Shadow Kingdom | Crooked Media
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About This Podcast

The Vatican Bank becomes a criminal money laundering machine, and God’s Banker – the man who knew too much – is found hanging under a bridge in London.

Roberto Calvi, a man guarding a dangerous secret about the Vatican Bank’s criminal activities, sends a threatening letter to the Pope. A week later on June 17th, 1982, he’s found dead hanging from a bridge in London. British police call it suicide, but questions and conspiracies swirl. Forty years on, lawyer Nicolo Majnoni gets a tip there might be more to the story and embarks on a quest to uncover the truth. Was Roberto Calvi, aka God’s Banker, killed? And if so, by whom?


Shadow Kingdom is a new series from Crooked Media and Campside Media. Each season starts with a crime, and as the layers are peeled back to find out who or what is at the center of it, a larger system at play is revealed.


Get early access to the full season by joining Crooked’s Friends of the Pod at or subscribe directly on the Shadow Kingdom Apple Podcasts feed. Hear the Italian language version of Shadow Kingdom: God’s Banker by subscribing to Il Banchiere di Dio wherever you get your podcasts.