The Super Bowl and Valentine's Day Watchlist with Yura Borisov | Crooked Media
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February 12, 2025
Keep It
The Super Bowl and Valentine's Day Watchlist with Yura Borisov

In This Episode

Ira and Louis discuss the Kendrick’s Super Bowl performance, movies that make us believe in straight love, and unfortunately, Kanye’s latest antics. Yura Borisov joins to discuss Anora, why he loves Forrest Gump, and more.

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Ira Madison III And we are back with an all new episode of Keep It. I’m Ira Madison, the third.


Louis Virtel I’m Louis Virtel and burr. I’m still chilled through my bones from our time in Boston, Massachusetts, but otherwise it was actually a pretty mild wintry week. And we spent there. And by the way, we had a fabulous time.


Ira Madison III Yeah, You know what, Boston? You you gave a little more than I thought you were going to give.


Louis Virtel Right? You you gave what you had to give. And then there was a little extra and you decided to give that to.


Ira Madison III We did a live show in Boston, our first live show. And I know that’s the Jurassic period, right?


Louis Virtel I believe Ed Sullivan introduced us the last time we were on. That’s right.


Ira Madison III And honestly, it was great. I was telling Louis how much I’ve enjoyed being on my book tour just because it’s been nothing but keep it listeners who haven’t been able to see us live and they’re all people who like the everyone in line is like, I’ve been listening since day one and they all have these fun inside jokes and references that we’ve forgotten that we even said right years ago. No.


Louis Virtel I I’m thrilled when people remember things I don’t because it’s usually my job to be the person who remembers things other people don’t, so that you all are there for me in a James Garner in The Notebook too. Gena Rowlands kind of way. Thank you so much.


Ira Madison III Yeah, it was great. I felt like our our fans are just great. You know, they they read, they’re smart. They’re cool to talk to. Like no one was annoying.


Louis Virtel That’s exactly right. No, we sat and you signed your book for like an hour and a half after the show. And I took pictures, too. And even though my face hurt because I have kind of a small mouth, it was a pleasure the entire time.


Ira Madison III And then we got to see what Boston’s nightlife has to offer. And, well.


Louis Virtel We saw there were some ladies who put on some performances for us, though.


Ira Madison III Okay, that’s fair. We went to this place called Legacy for some party called Bust Out on Fridays. And that was fun. But we went to some place called the Trophy Room first, and it was a little boring.


Louis Virtel Well, I mean, it was a bar. What did you mean? There’s bars everywhere.


Ira Madison III I didn’t see Sam or Diane.


Louis Virtel Okay. No, I have to say, I walked into a Boston bar and I immediately screamed, I am a Lilith, and no one cared.


Ira Madison III It was it was actually the one thing I will say about Boston is we don’t even have to drag it for you. Literally, every second person in line kept apologizing for being in Boston was shockingly self-effacing.


Louis Virtel It was real. You know what it was? It was real Catholic behavior. And I recognized that from my upbringing. But by the way, elsewhere, we have things to discuss. First of all, I watched your debut episode of The Floor, the game show you are on this season and you didn’t you didn’t actually play the floor yet. We just saw you in the background. And they you gave one little substantive commentary on two players in the game. What did you say you were like? She really ate her up. I was like, wow, they coach this bitch. She wants to be on camera.


Ira Madison III I did say she ate her up, though. Let me tell you what happens when you’re shooting the floor. I love how I’ve mentioned it on the podcast and there are still people messaging being being like, you didn’t tell us you were going to be on the floor, tells you don’t listen anymore. Right?


Louis Virtel Open both ears, sweetie.


Ira Madison III But. So you’re there. We shot the floor in Dublin. Yeah, my eyelids. And that’s what I was there last year for my birthday, and I was flown out there. You have like, there’s like a hundred of us competing and we’re all staying at this one hotel. And basically you have two episodes that you shoot a day. There’s some episodes where some days were like three a day. I can’t tell you how many I shot yet, but no. Honestly, the surprising thing about the floor was just how much you are standing there doing nothing if you’re not doing well.


Louis Virtel And by the way, there’s only two players playing at any given time, so that means there’s 98 people or however many people are left just sort of standing around having to look active. I can tell like they are producing the shit out of that. They’re like, make it look like you’re, you know, enthralled, but no one looks bored on screen.


Ira Madison III Well, I actually will say that the people have complained about there not being enough banter on the show in previous seasons, but I would say we have less coaching so much as we were encouraged to interact with each other. And I think when you’re there, like we got to know each other in hair and makeup and like just like for a long day before we shot anything, actually the first day was sort of the longest. And you sort of I get it now. When people form these bonds with people.


Louis Virtel On this show, on this show, routinely, you see people like burst into tears when they’re separated from the people they’re standing next to. And I, of course, immediately think, well, this person has an emotional disorder. They shouldn’t have been on TV. And it turns out, no, you’re like in this really cloistered environment, actually bonding with these people you spent all day with.


Ira Madison III Yeah. And honestly, I. We are riveted by the doors. Yeah. Because we’re not bored watching them, because otherwise you’re just sort of standing there and then you have to do pickups and then you have to do a lot of shoots. And so it’s like the you’re excited when a duel is happening. You know, the duel goes by so quickly. It’s just like everyone is riveted. And I have I was just yapping on the floor, okay. Like trying to give them, like, sob bites like all day because basically the producers were like, just talk, interact with each other, you know, like, if you want to go over and talk to someone else, do it. So I gave a lot of that and I was just happy to see that I made it into that first episode and I’m in the trailer quite a bit. That’s nice for the upcoming season. Yeah.


Louis Virtel So, yes, also in this season, as you know, I’m a Jeopardy zealot. This guy, David Madden, who won 19 games years and years and years ago, he’s there. And his specialty category is European geography. IRA bitch, Watch out. We’ll see how you do with that.


Ira Madison III My category is Real Housewives, so we’ll see how he does with that.


Louis Virtel I actually was going to guess what your topic was. I was thinking it was soaps or something, but Real Housewives, that’s a good just as kind of niche topic that would absolutely intimidate a certain type of trivia zealot who doesn’t know Bravo TV.


Ira Madison III Yeah. Other than that, the list is pretty far it. I’m excited to watch it unfold. And I do want to point out too, that there’s people like me. There’s Marie and Kenny from The Bachelor. There’s Brian O’Halloran from Clerks, David Madden from Jeopardy! Like we’ve been on TV before, so we’re not as stressed out with this whole idea of this is our big moment and we’ve been flown, you know, all the way to Ireland to take part in this game. And then it’s like over in five seconds and you put so much into this is my first time on TV, like I want to win this game, etc., so I can see how it could like crush you right now.


Louis Virtel And also, by the way, when you go on a game show like Jeopardy, whatever, it’s over and like 19 minutes, you know, it’s not an epic experience or whatever, especially on a show like this where they have to get through so much in a given day. There’s like eight different duels. They have to get there in a different day. Anyway, I can’t wait to see how far you go. What happens? I also want to add that I recently it was just announced that I’m going to be co-writing the SAG Awards, which are coming up less than two weeks away.


Ira Madison III With who? Marilu Henner.


Louis Virtel First of all, ain’t nothing wrong with Mary Lou Henner, who, as you know, remembers every goddamn thing. And she’ll remember this if she hears it. Kristen Bell is the host and Jane Fonda is receiving a life achievement award at SAG. Got I wonder how I got this job.


Ira Madison III She’s sick of you.


Louis Virtel Yeah. I’m fully slug worth in her life because I quit popping up.


Ira Madison III She, Cate Blanchett.


Louis Virtel Yeah right.


Ira Madison III And a few of the other ladies are going to they’re going to form.


Louis Virtel Ocean’s ten is them just like assassinating me. Yeah.


Ira Madison III Now that’s exciting. We love you in an awards show.


Louis Virtel I wear? Where else would I be? I mean, again, I don’t have adult skills. Like, I barely could work at Barnes and Noble, you know what I mean?


Ira Madison III So what’s going on today? What’s going on is I’m in the queue for a cowboy card. Tickets.


Louis Virtel My God. That must be so stressful.


Ira Madison III It is. So. I mean, if we got an episode today. I’m not thinking about it. What’s going on, Louis?


Louis Virtel Okay, well, first of all, we’re going to go through the Super Bowl, which had a number of fabulous performances, not just Kendrick Lamar’s. We can go through those. And of course, the fallout from the game since Trump was there, Taylor was there. All of the great people of our time.


Ira Madison III Patrick Mahomes going to be dancing for his supper soon. Let’s just say that.


Louis Virtel And then to celebrate Valentine’s Day, we’re going to go through our favorite romantic dramas. I feel like we end up talking way more about romcoms on this show and I care way more about the other thing, but like a believable romance that isn’t just, you know, Sydney Sweenie is dangling over the harbor.


Ira Madison III Well, you know, ladies love comedies and jokes. That was LL’s first name.


Louis Virtel That’s so crazy. And then he went with Ladies Love. Cool, James. Got it. Okay. And then our guest today also, we are racking up the best supporting actor nominees this year. Last week we had Edward Norton. And this week we have Yura Borisov, Oscar nominee for Anora. And also crush of the entire nation.


Ira Madison III And I changed my name to entire nation because they’re just talking about me.


Louis Virtel Entire nation. Madison the third. Yeah, that’s what’s up this episode.


Ira Madison III He was maybe one of my favorite parts of another. You know, I feel like when you watch the movie, if you really enjoy it and rewatch the film, it’s nice to see how they place him into the movie and then how that’s all going to play off. Because me, I was watching the movie for the first time and I was just like, I’m so into this guy. Like, he’s such like a great actor. I’m like focused on him. I hope this more. And then you do get more from.


Louis Virtel Right? It’s surprising that he sort of becomes the crux of the movie, really. And Sean Baker, writer, director, created the role for him after seeing him in a movie at Cannes compartment number six, which is fabulous. And then he took on the challenge and now he’s an Oscar nominee. So I’ll be talking to him.


Ira Madison III And he plays a minor. And let me tell you something, I love mining.


Louis Virtel Okay. I need to get out of this.


Ira Madison III All right. When we’re back, more, Keep It.


Ira Madison III [AD]


Ira Madison III The Super Bowl took over New Orleans on Sunday featuring performances by Lady Gaga, Jon Batiste, Kendrick Lamar, Sza, and apparently Miss Set It Off, Serena.


Louis Virtel Yes. And her moves were dazzling for a minute. It took me like three extra beats to realize it was Serena Williams. I’m actually a little ashamed that it took me that long.


Ira Madison III That’s unfortunate, Louis


Louis Virtel You had it right off the bat.


Ira Madison III You shouldn’t have shared that. Yeah, well, I knew it was her. Mostly because I also don’t know where you watch. Did you watch it on, like, a big set? I was just sitting on my couch, and I was just. I could see very clearly that it was Serena.


Louis Virtel Yeah, there’s like a big Super Bowl party in L.A. that always happens that has like hundreds and hundreds of people at it. And I could have gone to that, but I stayed home. I wanted to absorb it journalistically for this exact moment and have nobody influence what I think of it. I’m a big fan of watching things alone, just in general, as you know.


Ira Madison III That’s fair. Plus, you know, I you know, I’ve been at that party before. You can’t watch a Kendrick performance with that many white people.


Louis Virtel No. Exactly. I’m not interested in a lot of those opinions. I mean, there’s no there’s no other way to put it. I’m barely interested in my own.


Ira Madison III So Lady Gaga performed Hold My Hand.


Louis Virtel And why did she do that?


Ira Madison III It was in honor of the terrorist attack that happened in January. The L.A. fires and the plane crashes in D.C.. We could have gone with a different song.


Louis Virtel I just write. I understand it’s an Oscar nominated song for her, but otherwise I wouldn’t put it in my top 30 of her discography, not top 50. My job. I didn’t even love Top Gun Maverick that much and have to be reminded constantly that Monica Barbaro from a Complete Unknown was in it.


Ira Madison III I will say, though, sometimes when an artist has a affinity for a song that you don’t really love, sometimes they can pull it out and make it really soar. I’m thinking of Beyonce doing Halo, which I really don’t care for anymore. But when she performed it at the Kobe Memorial. That was beautiful.


Louis Virtel Sure, sure, sure. Yeah. No, it’s sort of like when Madonna kept performing Candy shop all those times. But I still am not there. And I don’t I can’t picture an emotional version of that performance. But here’s hoping.


Ira Madison III Yeah. Come on into my store. I got candy. Or just slowed down for a while. Haunting my take on Charlie the chocolate factory. Yeah.


Louis Virtel That the below buzz like, mournfully provocative.


Ira Madison III But at least she looks great.


Louis Virtel Yeah. Yeah. Love the hat. It’s. She also was sort of dressed like certain actresses when they age. Like when they’re 80, they get into, like, real regalia and, like, a cowboy. Like, I sort of could picture Faye Dunaway wearing that outfit.


Ira Madison III John Petty’s performance. And honestly, do they just swamp him and John Legend out for these shows?


Louis Virtel No. I wonder, has John Legend performed the national anthem yet? You would think he has, but I don’t have a memory of it.


Ira Madison III I mean, probably.


Louis Virtel Yeah. Watch. He’s done it 25 times.


Ira Madison III He’s always tickling them ivories.


Louis Virtel Yeah. Right. John Batiste rendition was good. I mean, I don’t know. He made unconventional choices and that it wasn’t about like a big singing moment ever, when every other version of the Super Bowl is about that. That said, I miss those conventional choices. Why can’t we just have a big belter?


Ira Madison III Yeah, well, we had Ledisi do Lift Every Voice and Sing.


Louis Virtel She was amazing. I loved that. Yeah.


Ira Madison III I’m always going to love her. Great vocals.


Louis Virtel Also very like commanding on stage like the it was well acted in addition to well sung.


Ira Madison III And it was weird I guess, to get Lift Every Voice and sing since we’re in this whole era of let’s remove everything black from stuff, I mean, they remove the end racism tearing at the end of the field goal for the Super Bowl, which I mean, I’m fine with. I don’t think we were really ending racism.


Louis Virtel Well, that’s a difference. When I was younger, I believe it was finishing it off Mortal Kombat style.


Ira Madison III And then it says Choose love instead.


Louis Virtel Which, as you know, we simply can’t.


Ira Madison III But I thought Trump hated that phrasing, too.


Louis Virtel Yeah. What is he choosing?


Ira Madison III Well, what he chose is to come to the football game and let’s talk about how Trump was the first sitting president to ever attend the Super Bowl, which was shocking to me.


Louis Virtel Yeah, that is weird. Well, what’s even weirder is that he pretends to be a huge football fan, and he never sounds like he knows what he’s talking about. Like, truly, I believe I know more about football than he does.


Ira Madison III We got a great game. Big game football.


Louis Virtel When you got a quarterback like that, I guess, you know, I have to root for Kansas City just so full of shit. Clearly.


Ira Madison III I guess also because it’s very expensive to pay for, you know, getting him there to pay for that security. And most presidents wouldn’t want to waste money like that. But he’s a special kind of president.


Louis Virtel My God. I love his big changes.


Ira Madison III Yeah. So he was there and then we had to deal with the the weird culture war that the Super Bowl became this year was different than how it becomes one after the fact. Usually people give, you know, like the benefit of the doubt to what’s going to happen at the Super Bowl. Right. And then afterwards, people get whipped up in anger. I’m thinking specifically of Beyoncé dressed as the Black Panther.


Louis Virtel Sure. Yes. Which, by the way, she and her background dancers never looked better. So, yeah, the conversation should have ended right there.


Ira Madison III But this felt like we were going into a culture war just because we have not just the Kendrick versus Drake stuff, but we’ll get to that. But just Kendrick Lamar in general, being a hip hop artist, right? And Trump being there and the Kansas City Chiefs sort of representing bad white people. You have Patrick Mahomes there, his his girlfriend and his family, who are Trump stans, obviously, and they went to greet him and take photos with him at the beginning. And well, we see how that all worked out for them.


Louis Virtel Yeah right losers.


Ira Madison III Yeah. And yeah, I just felt like everything was is so. Politically charged right now. Things that don’t even need to be.


Louis Virtel Well, I mean, let me take a look at when they panned over to Taylor Swift. And she’s getting booed, presumably by Trump fans. And it’s like, don’t put me in the position of being like, you’re treating Taylor Swift like shit. I truly became a stan of hers in that moment. I have to say, it was so ridiculous.


Ira Madison III But it’s also funny that Trump highlights, first of all, the fact that he’s tweeting about the fact that someone booed Taylor Swift.


Louis Virtel And he did it three different times because he’s obsessed with who who didn’t get the applause he deserves or whatever.


Ira Madison III Meanwhile, he was booed himself.


Louis Virtel Right? Certainly.


Ira Madison III It was booed. We also saw the photos of people giving him the finger. Kansas City Chiefs fans, by the way, which really just tells you that people don’t like him. I don’t think people in the boat, people who are Eagles fans would be liking him either. Are people just in New Orleans attending the game wouldn’t like him, but. It’s a mix of people who are like fuck the president and then also maybe some people boo Taylor Swift because they’re Trump fans. But I also feel like it’s just men booing Taylor Swift because they hate her being at a football game.


Louis Virtel Yeah. Which is such cool energy, too.


Ira Madison III Either way, a lot of booing going on.


Louis Virtel Yeah. What a good time. Let’s do this again next year.


Ira Madison III Her video was very funny, though. With her, of course. He’s sitting next to Ice spice her two years in a row. Super Bowl date.


Louis Virtel Weird. Yeah. Interesting.


Ira Madison III Yeah. I mean, where else have you seen Ice Spice?


Louis Virtel She was sort of, like, supposed to, like, giving us new music, like, every single second of 20, 24, and now she’s slowed down. I assume that’ll be forthcoming.


Ira Madison III Well, now she’s one of Taylor’s Harajuku girls, apparently, but she’s sitting next to Taylor. The boos happen and it’s funny where Taylor like realizes what what’s happening? And she says, what’s going on? She mouths that, too, I suppose.


Louis Virtel And she’s like sort of like looking at the camera and looking away. It’s a real, like, caught off guard moment for her, which all I can say is I felt bad. It’s so stupid. I mean, she’s literally just fucking dating the guy. It would be weird if she weren’t there.


Ira Madison III Right? And Travis Kelce himself. Did he have a new hairdo?


Louis Virtel Yes, it did.


Ira Madison III It was giving turkey. Yeah, it was. We all know a guy who’s gone to Turkey and come back with some. Some loose locks.


Louis Virtel Yeah. And his hairline is, like, down to his mustache. And.


Ira Madison III But I think we could get into the Kendrick Lamar of it all. Now, I was shocked at first just to see Samuel L Jackson as Uncle Sam.


Louis Virtel Excuse me. It really confronted me, first of all, with one how game Samuel L Jackson is for.


Ira Madison III Anything.


Louis Virtel For some tom foolery. And then secondly.


Ira Madison III He’s done 90 Marvel movies. Okay. Samuel Jackson,  you just got to send him a text. And he’s like, What time you want me there?


Louis Virtel Right, right, right. He hit all those line readings. Of course. Brilliant actor. Something that I still can’t wrap my head around. How does he only have one Oscar nomination? He it’s crazy that he has not been nominated since Pulp Fiction when he is so essential and like there’s no they use this phrase a lot. No second one of him like he’s in the movie and so distinct and he was amazing a piano lesson this year. But I just rewatched Jackie Brown where it’s like, Wow, did he not? And we gave it to Robert class act. Yeah, we gave it to Robert Forrest in that year and not him. So strange.


Ira Madison III What I also love about Samuel L Jackson is that he is one of those actors who can swing back and forth from. You know, like Guardians of the Galaxy making a cameo in it and then also fucking deliver it in another movie.


Louis Virtel Yeah, right. Like a prestige movie.


Ira Madison III Yeah. Yeah. He. He steps up to the plate and just has fun no matter what he’s doing. And I know I thought about that a lot with Sam because I feel like there’s so many movies to that. He in like, a prestige movie where he gives the amazing performance and yet he’s not the one with the noms. I’m thinking of Django Unchained. I like Leonardo in that movie for sure. But Samuel Jackson is amazing in that.


Louis Virtel And also, of course, that’s what Christoph Waltz won for.


Ira Madison III Yeah.


Louis Virtel And then he and that’s another one of those category fraud ish situations. But we were very enamored with Christoph Waltz at the time. And then afterwards we were like, okay, we don’t need to employ you for like 6 or 7 years.


Ira Madison III Does he saw ice cream somewhere now? Can you imagine? Christoph Waltz as Ice cream truck? I would never approach it.


Louis Virtel Oh no. Frightening, right?


Ira Madison III The Samuel L Jackson of it all gave me very like we jumped into. This is giving theater. You know, it felt very Suzan-Lori Parks. Yeah.


Louis Virtel Also very like commanding, like the way it was directed, Like the camera was right up in his face, too, and he was ready for that moment. And I think that would have been absolutely bewildering for me to perform at the Super Bowl as like a theater actor, which is what he did.


Ira Madison III And he, you know, urged Kendrick to not be too ghetto. It’s a pretty honest game. It was.


Louis Virtel Was. And then, of course, Kendrick came out and he is wearing the bootcut jeans of all time.


Ira Madison III From Celine.


Louis Virtel He saying, we are working at Pac Sun this weekend, he said, And then additionally and also there’s something about that fit of jeans where it makes the wearer look even shorter. So I kind of was convinced he was five one when he’s, I think 5’5 or 5’6.


Ira Madison III He is. And I just want to say shout out to whoever shot the Super Bowl commercials with him and Timothy Chalamet, because Timothy is tall. Right. And Kendrick is not. And they looked about the same height. Yeah, they had Timothy leaning against that car.


Louis Virtel It’s giving Meryl Streep and Julia Julia suddenly appearing like six two. And then you realize, they cast men around her who are like, actually her height are like 5’5 or something. Anyway, things can be done using lenses and, and, and height differences to even things out.


Ira Madison III Well, you know, Tom Cruise is my favorite actor.


Louis Virtel And he’s 6’4.


Ira Madison III Yeah. The beautiful thing, too, about the bootcut jeans is it sparked this debate. Some people are like some people are like bootcut jeans are not coming back and other people are like, we want them to immediately bring back the. Chaotic fashion. When a celebrity was seen on the red carpet just wearing whatever they pulled out of their closet.


Louis Virtel Yeah. And usually it had a spangled belt with it. And if you were maybe a girl was a bare midriff and then a baby t that said the word showstopper across the boobs.


Ira Madison III I was thinking about twins opposite recently just because my friends and I last night we were watching some music videos as you guys are want to do a you know we’re watching Gwen Stefani videos and she’s decked in Galliano and a lot of that stuff she borrowed for the creation of Lamb Right. And then we’re looking at the Fergalicious video. And none of us could figure out, like who was designing any of the stuff. And then we look at Fergie on the carpet and she really was just it seemed like she was just hitting on the ball, grabbing shit and throwing it all like no stylist, no design, nothing. And I think that just epitomized sort of 2000 culture. There were some celebrities in high fashion, but then most of them just seemed like they were running to the buckle.


Louis Virtel Yeah, no, I would call this Ashley Tisdale. Sorry. What was occurring on the record? You had a swoopy hair dyed maybe two ways, maybe B striped. And then, yeah, you wore jeans that came in at the knee so hard and then boot cut out the silhouette. I’m thinking of is Quinn Morgan Dor for Andaria.


Ira Madison III Yeah. And these were. These were like a flared bootcut jeans. By the way, you.


Louis Virtel Oh quite. You could fit multiple boots under there babe.


Ira Madison III And I think they looked great on him. I liked the, you know, how everyone was focused on these jeans. I personally am not going to look good in the bootcut.


Louis Virtel I, I think it looks a bit feminine on me when you have like long legs and then like they kind of flare out like that, it just feels, you know, ladylike. It’s for Cameron Diaz. That’s who it’s for.


Ira Madison III Yeah, the performance itself. I liked it.


Louis Virtel Me too. Yeah, I thought it was entertaining. First of all, let’s just be clear. You know how. And like Madonna, Super Bowl, there’s something extra triumphant about the fact that she sang the words. Betty Davis, we love you to the entire Super Bowl. There’s just something subversive about that. When Kendrick comes on with a squabble up and then Debbie, Deb’s vocal is ringing.


Ira Madison III Through the arena.


Louis Virtel I’m like, you can’t tell me guys didn’t win. I’m always dancing to that song when I hear music. Such a good song.


Ira Madison III Yeah, the squabble. It was a great intro. There was a lot of conservative talk about how he was mumbling.


Louis Virtel And I’m sure these are a rap aficionados who write at the top of the call sheet For that one.


Ira Madison III We need subtitles to listen to this, which was interesting. But I will say my issue, if I do have one with the performance is it really was just a promo for his tour.


Louis Virtel As in like this is literally what he will be performing on the tour. A lot of choreography and stuff very well.


Ira Madison III Maybe not the choreography, but I just feel like the song choices, it was very Gen-X heavy. His latest album, obviously, he is going on tour with Scissor perform two of their big hits, but except for Humble and a little bit of the song DNA, we didn’t really get a lot of his catalog, you know? And I will say that I really like the Super Bowl. Perhaps hide performances to be a sort of breath of someone’s career.


Louis Virtel Yeah.


Ira Madison III Because that’s why you’re picked in it in an that’s in essence, you know it is. We’ve always been like, I hope this person plays the Super Bowl. I hope this person plays right, because you want to see everything. You want to see their big crowd hits. You want to see how they blend it with their newer songs and make sort of a statement. And if anything, I feel like the statement was, listen to my new album.


Louis Virtel Sure. Yeah. And I think there’s also something about the Super Bowl where you want to take not only the biggest moments of a pop stars career or a star’s career and make maximalist moments out of each one of those. You know what I mean? Like, I think like Katy Perry is a good example of everybody knows all of those songs. And she turned each one of those songs into a blown up sort of diorama version of something we’d seen previously. I will say it felt like a lot of the performance was staged specifically for camera. And I know that’s the whole thing with the Super Bowl now, like, nobody in the audience is getting like an actual show, really. But I did feel like it felt a little bit like SnowGlobe Sized for such a gigantic moment.


Ira Madison III Yeah, it felt like that. It felt very. I don’t know. I also felt like Scissor was give it a bit of a short shrift. She just ended abruptly also.


Louis Virtel So she probably wasn’t singing.


Ira Madison III The make was not on.


Louis Virtel Okay, I guess. Honestly, I was like, she sounds great. And then I. I was looking at some mouth shapes during some of those words and I said, maybe not.


Ira Madison III But I will also say that I think she was great. I mean, most people don’t really sing live at Super Bowl events and you know.


Louis Virtel Which makes sense. Yes. Please, No. Again, I hate to say the word Madonna a third time in a theater like this, as you know, that’s unlucky. But there wasn’t much in the way here. She’s not. Nothing about her was belting her way through like a prayer.


Ira Madison III Yeah. The Serena of it all was fantastic. Obviously, she comes out, she does her c walk. Edit is a dissed to Drake because she’s an ex of his. But it’s also because she and Kendrick are from the same place. But then it’s also a reference to her doing a lighter version of the dance at Wimbledon in 2012 where she was dragged to hell, if you remember that.


Louis Virtel Yes. Here’s my essay question to you. Who would you less rather be this week? Drake or Karla Sofia Gascon.


Ira Madison III Karla Sofia Gascon.


Louis Virtel And why is that?


Ira Madison III Well, I mean, Drake is still on tour.


Louis Virtel That’s true. And also clearly has like tons and tons of fans.


Ira Madison III Yes. I mean, I was listening to Drake this morning. But, you know, I’m still I’m not off the Drake train.


Louis Virtel It also feels to me like there’s something about everybody dogging on him right in this moment where pretty soon it will accidentally become endearing to him when he comes back next. Yeah. Whereas, Karla Sofia Gascon, I get less of a redemption arc. You know what I mean?


Ira Madison III Yeah. I don’t. I don’t see it for her coming back. You know?


Louis Virtel Yeah. No. Again, I’m worried she’s going to be in some road trip movie with Gina Carano, so. And I’ve already said.


Ira Madison III Well, yeah, don’t ruin all the Karla Sofia Gascon jokes that our listeners are going to get on Monday when our Boston episode drops.


Louis Virtel That’s right. You get an extra episode of us in Boston.


Ira Madison III We really went in on her. She’s just so funny to talk about.


Louis Virtel No, Again, syllabically, it’s the funniest name to bring up in these circumstances. What else do we get out of this performance? Sza looked fantastic.


Ira Madison III Yes, The red. Red is a great color on her.


Louis Virtel Yes. And apparently I still have not seen that movie with Keke Palmer yet. She’s like an amazing comic actress, too. And, you know, it’s my pet peeve when people who don’t need to be funny are.


Ira Madison III Everything that they show from her. And Keke Palmer is like their screen test, like immediate chemistry from the jump.


Louis Virtel Keke Palmer, as you know, is disturbing because it’s not only talent, it’s like it’s the thing we keep begging for from stars. Like have a little bit of like that old school showmanship where you’ve got a joke at the ready. You’ve got maybe a move, a dance move or something, like something constantly entertaining about you. And she has it all the time, like she never fails. In a way, I’m like, Will she give up on us eventually because she’s sick of how un entertaining we are compared to her?


Ira Madison III Yeah. If anything, I would say that my response to the Super Bowl was I enjoyed it and I like the art of it, but I feel like there were so many breathless responses to it that acted as if this was like activist art, you know, as if this was, you know, Kendrick, like, really sticking it to America. And I just feel like the revolution may be televised, but it’s not going to be televised by Apple Music. Well, you know, it’s still a corporate thing at the Super Bowl.


Louis Virtel You’re right. Like, that’s a very hard space in which to make a serious impact. Obviously, you’re going through layers and layers and layers of bureaucracy just to get out of the stage there.


Ira Madison III That plus, I just think that there were some great reviews of it in New York magazine by Craig Jenkins and then, of course, one by Dorian St Felix in The New Yorker. I just think that it really did lean too heavily on the current album and I think leaning too much into the Drake of it all to just sort of it made it a bit one note for me, and I would have liked to have more of a breath of Kendrick’s career and just really just a fun performance. You know, I thought the performance was fine. I thought it was good. But I think that you could have gone a bit harder with just presenting a halftime show. You know.


Louis Virtel Maybe it could have used one more guest star to, you know, like the Serena. It was more like a cameo thing, like just having scissor come out for like a song and a half isn’t really a featured moment either.


Ira Madison III I will say also the reason everyone went up for Serena was because what? It was a shock to see her, but also just seeing a woman dancing at the Super Bowl. That’s that’s what that’s what I tune in for. Yeah, right. Not the men.


Louis Virtel No. I mean, again, that that we have had an entire conversation about a male performance is a testament to the power of the Super Bowl, because I vowed never to do it again.


Ira Madison III Yeah. I don’t want to see another man play at the Super Bowl for a while.


Louis Virtel So men, vocalists, do those words sound good together to you? Not to me.


Ira Madison III Is. Anyway, I guess what we really needed was Taylor to join for bad blood, right?


Louis Virtel My God. With all of the cameos from that video, Lena Dunham, Mariska Hargitay.


Ira Madison III The squad squabbling up there.


Louis Virtel Did the squad pull up?


Ira Madison III Yes. In case you didn’t know, we have our own YouTube channel where you can find our interviews, clips and exclusive content in.


Louis Virtel One of those YouTube originals is Trophy Strife, a series where I look at the biggest snubs of award season. In the latest episode, I dive into this year’s Oscars snubs or, as I like to call them, Who should we have nominated if we knew Karla Sophia Gascon Just a little bit better.


Ira Madison III You can search, Keep It on YouTube, check out Trophy Strife and hit subscribe so you don’t miss out. When we’re back Yura Borisov joins us to talk Anora.


Ira Madison III [AD]


Ira Madison III This week’s guest is a Russian megastar who broke into America’s film scene with his unforgettable performance in Anora. Despite this being his first American and English language project, he’s received nominations for an Oscar SAG Award, Golden Globe, BAFTA and more. Proving that a moving performance will always translate, Please welcome to Keep It, Yura Borisov. Hi.


Yura Borisov I was waiting for some music in this in this moment. Like bom bom bom boom. Yeah. And here I am.


Louis Virtel First of all, I’m so excited for Anora getting all this traction. I just want at the DGA Awards, like, there’s extra excitement building around this movie. But also, I feel like the character you play in this movie is the most beloved character of the year. People love Igor, love what happens to him in this movie. What do you think it is about this character that people love so much?


Yura Borisov I don’t know. I absolutely have no idea.


Louis Virtel Really?


Yura Borisov Maybe because of. I don’t know. Congratulations. I could finally say congratulations. Maybe because some days I don’t know.


Louis Virtel He. He is such a surprisingly lovely person. I think he has, like, an awesome turn in this movie. Can you talk about working with Mikey Madison and how you built chemistry together?


Yura Borisov I don’t know, because I think it’s impossible to build chemistry if it’s no chemistry between two people. Finally, you know. And it where we were just, spend a lot of time together and it’s my big friend now, my kid. And I’m very happy that. I have. I have changed my life. And maybe because of this, you could feel some chemistry because it’s real. And. For me. It’s the most important for me , Mickey, and also Sean and, my guys and this people. It’s more than all the stuff that awards. Than this film. You know what I mean?


Ira Madison III What was it like being, you know, on set for meeting a new director? Just working in a new language. How did you prepare for this? In a different way than you do when you’re making films in Russia?


Yura Borisov Yeah. Well, you know, I was very nervous about starting this project because it was my first time in America, and I. I was trying to understand what’s different. How does it work? What does I have to do? What does? The rules. And all this stuff. And I don’t know. In a couple days I understand that it’s all the same. It’s real people. It’s. It’s very good energy between people here. Lots of love and freedom and people. Very warm people. And of course, it’s different language and different mentality. But it’s more interesting, finally, because lots of new in my life and I could use it in this role. And people don’t wait for me or for me. Some. Anything. They don’t wait and anything. It’s like a big laboratory. Nobody knows what will be the next step. And, you know, it’s was finally I’m very happy that it was all the same, like every time I was working more. I can see. But of course, it’s different because it’s different people and it’s this crew.


Louis Virtel Sean Baker created this role for you, which I didn’t know until recently. Does that mean the role was was easy for you or did you do did he. Was it easy or hard?


Yura Borisov It was all. Very fluently. You know, it’s not easy and not hard to. It’s like life. Life is life. It’s not easy, not hard. And it’s all the same, you know? I’ve met Sean. He called me and said, Let’s do some film together. And we started, and after that, well, Ray did start trying to understand. I try not to sell. Who is he? He tried to say, Who am I and what could we build together? What could we give together in real life and in this film? And we’re discussing that a lot. Where are we going? What could we do with this story? With this film? And finally. And. What is life is.


Ira Madison III You are for this role. You’re the first Russian actor to get an Oscar nomination in 50 years. So how does that feel? What does it mean to you? I guess as a as a Russian actor.


Yura Borisov How does it feel? I feel that a lot of people in Russia, and not only am I happy because of this and it’s kind of proud and important moment for our people, and I understand that if it’s working that way. It’s important and I’m happy to be here. You know, this may be small, but part of big meaningful stuff. And but I couldn’t answer completely right now on this question because it’s very I’m very fast going in all this happening, you know.


Ira Madison III Yeah. You’ve been at so many events for Anora so far. Have you met any actors who you’ve had a, you know, lovely convo with someone who you’d watched in movies before and were excited to meet them, or were there people really excited to meet you?


Yura Borisov Yeah, it was worse press for me because I met a lot of people in Hollywood and somewhere in New York and somewhere else, which I know. And I want to I want to go just to speak with them. And they got to me, it starts to pick with me and they say, that old guy, I watched your film and let’s discuss this and something else. And for me, it’s was, Yeah, glad I know you, too. I know you already 20 years ago and it’s very, very interesting. But unfortunately it’s lots of people and it’s impossible to. Really discuss some interesting stuff during some of this awareness because it’s a lots of small talks. So we’ll see this. A lot of people, a lot of people which I want to meet again and maybe one day work with them.


Louis Virtel I also didn’t know that you referred Mark Edelstein to Sean Baker for the role of Vanya. He is also so fabulous in this movie and hilarious in this movie. What made you decide to refer this actor to Sean?


Yura Borisov He’s crazy. It’s true, you know? Yeah, he’s. His energy is crazy. He’s a very talented guy. And for me, the most important that. He’s very kind and his soul is very bright. Like I feel. And I think that it’s for me, it’s the most important for. So, Art, because I’m trying to find in this way some light and bright, but not dark. And I understand that. I’m looking for people with this with the same direction. And for me, Mark, going the same direction, you know, because it’s even if you play kind of bad guy like Ivan in this role. It’s much better if a guy who played bad guy could. It could be it was bright. So, you know.


Ira Madison III What would you say is some of your favorite American movies, ah, that you rewatch?


Yura Borisov American movies.


Ira Madison III Yeah. Yeah.


Yura Borisov Forrest Gump.


Ira Madison III Okay. Yeah.


Yura Borisov Yeah. Yeah. Ah, it was this, I don’t know, 50 times.


Ira Madison III Yeah. What do you like about Forrest Gump?


Yura Borisov I don’t know. Very simply, kind and. I could live like Forrest Gump. I can say. Yeah, because I was. I was grow up with this film since my childhood. And I understand that. It’s very simple. Maybe for someone’s stupid rules. But at the same time, for me, it’s like, just go this way and be happy.


Louis Virtel Our last question is, do you have any actors yet that you’ve not met? Who do you really want to meet?


Yura Borisov I don’t know. I It’s. And. It’s not. It’s a lot of people. I could ask for. It’s more than. I don’t know, ten and 20 people. I couldn’t answer right now. Because if I start, if I say I don’t know, one, 2 or 3 names, it was. It will be lying because I want to meet a lot of people. And if I if I say to your 20 names right now, it’s it will be like, okay, let’s start the list of people which I wanna mett it’s I that’s not too pristine too much. That’s why I don’t know I will meet people who I have to meet. I don’t know. We’ll see. It’s destiny.


Ira Madison III Yeah, exactly. Well, I hope you meet Angelina Jolie because I love her. You know, that’s my favorite. As she played a Russian spy in a movie, you know? So. Yeah, maybe you could talk about. Yeah, maybe you could talk about Salt with Angelina Jolie. Okay.


Yura Borisov Okay. All night. Talking about Salt with Angelina.


Ira Madison III Thank you so much for being here with us.


Yura Borisov Thank you.


Louis Virtel Yes, Thank you so much.


Ira Madison III And congratulations on the Oscar nomination and everything. It’s, Anora is really a fantastic movie and you’re great at it. So congratulations again.


Yura Borisov Thank you. Thank you so much.


Louis Virtel [AD]


Ira Madison III Valentine’s Day is this weekend. And while we’d argue this whole podcast is dedicated to the queer experience, we wanted to take a moment to recognize something that is grossly underexplored in American cinema. Straight love. Ever heard of it? I believe in a thing called straight love.


Louis Virtel Just listen to the rhythm of your heart.


Ira Madison III Exactly.


Louis Virtel If I hurried to bars. Yeah.


Ira Madison III Yeah. If I had one, you know. Still got to go to the wizard for that. But I could still enjoy. A romantic drama.


Louis Virtel Yeah. Every once in a while, a movie will come along and make me realize there is power in heterosexual love. As you know, I’m on the fence about it. Does it exist, etc.. But the movies can convince me there’s something there. Some of the time. Romantic dramas I think I have to start with and maybe end with the definitive achievement in romance of the past 30 years. And that is the Before trilogy, which, first of all, they are constantly rewatchable movies. I still feel like they are sort of underseen. Like, like any like serious movie fan has seen the before movies. I’m talking about before Sunrise, Before Sunset, Before Midnight. They star, of course, Julie Delpy and Ethan Hawke, and different things occur in different movies, but for the most part they take place each nine years apart, and that is two people who meet on a train. They have this romantic night together where they simply talk the entire time. And I think the thing that is very absorbing to me about it is it’s not just that they like each other. It’s not just that, you know, we’re just fixated on their dynamic and what they think about each other. It’s literally like they’re so listening to each other as they learn about each other that they, the rest of the world goes away and they simply understand the world as it is experienced through that person’s eyes. And I feel like it’s it’s so beyond the romance that other movies have tried to put on screen because it’s not idealized. It’s not about epic ness other than it’s just people very much listening to each other and appreciating someone taking the time to be articulate with them. I don’t know if you’re a talky person. I can’t imagine picking any movies besides this.


Ira Madison III I think Baby Girl has had a lot of people thinking about erotic dramas, erotic thrillers. And, you know, I do want to point out that, yes, Baby Girl is not technically an erotic thriller. It’s an erotic drama, you know, So people are comparing it to, say, Unfaithful by Adrian Lyne is maybe not the correct thing to do, but.


Louis Virtel I would. Yes.


Ira Madison III But he has plenty of erotic dramas as well, you know, And when I’m thinking about romance and straight love, people getting it on, I’m thinking of Adrian Lyne films. I’m thinking of nine and a half weeks.


Louis Virtel Which I haven’t seen in ages. I wonder how that movie holds up.


Ira Madison III If it gets you hot. Okay. Yeah. You know, risky business.


Louis Virtel Another one like that. Yeah.


Ira Madison III And then even a film like Indecent Proposal, you know, like, I love the thriller aspect in his films, you know, he even managed to make Lolita pretty good.


Louis Virtel I don’t know about. Well, Lolita is. Well, as you know, I’m obsessed with fucking Jeremy Irons. The. You sort of can’t divorce your viewing experience from the backstage drama of that. Like the dubious which. Which they got Dominique Swain to film scenes without her parents there. It’s a really weird situation, but Indecent proposal. Well, I believe that is a Razzie winning film. So for you to stand this is extremely brave of you.


Ira Madison III Yes. Let’s say, you know, I stay at the Razzies. Okay.


Louis Virtel No, I like Robert Redford being kind of scary and creepy. I mean, that was sort of an unusual role for him to take. I can’t think of anything else he did like that.


Ira Madison III Yeah, but nine and a half weeks. Indecent proposal. Those are two of my entries I just brought up Lolita in terms of, you know, a film that he’s directed. But yeah, it’s not something that makes me believe in straight love.


Louis Virtel No. Well, also, I mean, let’s bring up Fatal Attraction for a second because, you know, over the years, Glenn Close has said about it, you know, it misrepresents a certain kind of manic person, an unhinged person. It makes her just like a pure villain or whatever. But at the same time, I think it also gets to like the loneliness of being in kind of a city and being stuck with just like, I don’t know, like an obsession with somebody too. I don’t know. That’s a scene really. Well, I don’t know if it does anything for me in terms of believing in quote unquote, straight love, but it does. It’s just a very believable movie to me. I don’t know. And it’s supposed to be extremely fraught and cinematic, but otherwise, I just I believe people have a lot of intensity in them at all times. Not all of them. Not all these people ever express it or, you know, go off the rails. But it’s sort of like Kathy Bates in Misery. I believe that woman exists in a way. I think she’s around sometimes.


Ira Madison III We can’t all see the Alex Forest in us for the trees, but she’s there.


Louis Virtel What was that, Aesop?


Ira Madison III You know, speaking of that, going back to something, you know, sweet and tender and just really just gets to the crux of romance and sort of like the human condition. Goddammit, it’s a gay movie. I can’t. Say it and try to. I try to think. I guess he talked about the before movies. And I immediately think of Andrew Haigh and Weekend, which I still feel like he’s been doing all these other movies, making these TV shows like Looking, which, you know, I do love. Take us back to Weekend Baby Weekend that we did a trilogy out of that.


Louis Virtel 45 years is my favorite Andrew Haigh movie.


Ira Madison III But weekend that Straight Romance.


Louis Virtel Yes. There we hear you. No kidding.


Ira Madison III That also five years is gorgeous.


Louis Virtel Let’s also okay, let me just say quickly about weekend. That is sort of the next step after the before movies where it is just a talking movie and it’s about these two people having a connection and the movie isn’t rushing a narrative or anything like that. And you’re just in this dynamic and wondering what will happen between these two people. It is a lovely movie and also doesn’t waste a second. It’s not a minute too long. 45 years. Yes, That also gets me it is true because it’s about a guy that movie is so genius. It’s literally a woman hearing that her husband had a relationship that she didn’t know about years and years and years and years and years ago before they were married. And what that does to the the life she lives, what that does to the loneliness of being herself in this marriage. I will never forget. There’s a line Stephanie Zacharek wrote in a review of 45 years where she says, This is a movie about how we’re all essentially alone. It’s like, whoa, you know, just like you even you identify as one half of a marriage and that’s, you know, the life you live. And then it turns out, no, wait, you’re still just one person inside this fucking body. And and and she’s questioning everything in the last shot of the movie is so amazing. And, of course, stars the unbelievable and unbelievably striking Charlotte Rampling.


Ira Madison III And I mean, that really is just sort of like a theme that he revisits, you know, because even if you think about the film weekend and it’s about this lovely moment that these two people have with one another, ultimately it ends with we shared this beautiful, romantic moment, and it has to be contained to this moment in time, because at the end, we’re just back to being ourselves.


Louis Virtel Yes, Right, right, right. All of us strangers.


Ira Madison III That’s about it. Yeah, they really are, Wolf. Tough. And maybe that’s queer love, but could be 45 years is fantastic.


Louis Virtel All of us Strangers is the first movie he ever made that I thought was a little overwrought on the emotion. All the other ones I thought contained an intense amount of feeling and love convincingly.


Ira Madison III I think the problem with all of us strangers is. Or strangers. All of us.


Louis Virtel All of us. Strangers.


Ira Madison III Okay. I think the problem with all of us strangers is that there’s. There’s hinging too much on getting you to the twist.


Louis Virtel Yes. Right, right, right. And it was about the twist, too.


Ira Madison III It’s about the twist. Yeah. And then, I mean, but that final scene with the music in it, too, is gorgeous.


Louis Virtel Well, also, Claire Foy was so good in that movie, too. And Jamie Bell, who is one of our most underrated actors for sure. And also was Tintin, dammit.


Ira Madison III Actually, Jamie Bell just in general, makes me believe in straight love.


Louis Virtel There we go. Film star Liverpool. What? Yeah, that he was so good in that.


Ira Madison III Yeah. So his relationship makes me believe in that. But also I haven’t seen film stars die in Liverpool.


Louis Virtel With Annette Bening as Gloria Graham who look up that story. That’s one of the craziest old Hollywood stories you’ll ever see. Who she ends up dated, like she’s married to one guy and then gets into his son and then. Gross Annette, Anyway.


Ira Madison III Okay. Do you have any other movies?


Louis Virtel Well, let me say something. If I’m going to be watching Straight Love, I would love there to be a glamor component to it. And I think the most glamorous romance ever is to catch a thief in Got Your Cary Grant. You’ve Got Your Grace Kelly. Now, I will say this about Cary Grant movies, and I feel like like we had Angelica Jade Bastion on this show, a film critic and Cary Grant. Stan and I did not have the nerve to bring this up with her. But the truth is the truth is, I just really believe him as a sexual being in movies, like in all in old movies, sexuality sort of isn’t as important. There aren’t too many, like, you know, until like Marlon Brando comes around. There are too many like carnal people really taking over the screen. But he is able to achieve this other thing, which is. A sophisticated kind of connection that I love about old movies. And he and Grace Kelly in Monaco under fireworks, as you know, a Scooby Doo like mystery takes place nearby and jewels are stolen. Very captivating. Love watching the two of them together. I miss and I think I will continue to miss sophistication in movies. That’s what I long for. I long for, like, a conversation that feels easy, witty, a little bit sexy. But mostly you feel like you’re watching two people with just verbal flair spend time with each other.


Ira Madison III I will point out, Albert Brooks, if you want to talk about sophistication in romance, there is defending your life.


Louis Virtel Yes. With Meryl Streep looking sensational, maybe the best she ever looked in a movie. And she’s also wearing bright white, which I think is her color.


Ira Madison III And then also one of those little watch films, Modern Romance.


Louis Virtel That is from earlier, right? That’s. Yeah. Yeah, right. I remember Siskel and Ebert standing that movie early on.


Ira Madison III It It’s very it feels very modern. Yeah, that’s a pun on the name, but it feels very of today. You recognize the the man in this film a lot. So I would suggest those two movies for some sophistication. And then also I brought her up as one of my favorite directors on the podcast before. But I think that nobody really gets to sort of scintillating romance and just sort of people you want to watch fall in love, people you want to watch, be intimate with one another. That Gina Prince-Bythewood.


Louis Virtel Yes. Who is her last movie? Still the Woman King.


Ira Madison III Yeah. But love and basketball, Beyond the Lights. These are romances.


Louis Virtel Love and basketball. I mean, a movie for a time, I believe you could watch every day on cable TV. I mean, I simply could not avoid love and basketball.


Ira Madison III I’ll play you for your heart.


Louis Virtel Right. And then they.


Ira Madison III Do. No, I mean, we need another movie from her as well. We can, obviously. I think for all I think old guard, too, is coming.


Louis Virtel Do you know what I think most people will remember of the woman king going forward? Do you know what I’m about to say?


Ira Madison III I think so. Ariana Debose No, no.


Louis Virtel Viola Davis, My woman King. I want to I want you to know that that rap came up at work yesterday and multiple people quoted things back to me I had totally forgotten about. And then I jumped in with Dolly Dee.


Ira Madison III I miss her.


Louis Virtel I know. That really was. We just don’t get crazy moments like that at awards shows anymore. I mean, like that are, like, planned and vulnerably geeky.


Ira Madison III All right. Well, when we’re back, it’s our favorite segment of the episode. Let’s keep it. And we’re back with our favorite segment of the episode. Let’s keep it. Lewis Yeah. What’s up?


Louis Virtel The Super Bowl, as you know, has commercials, and then we’re supposed to be entranced by them because there’s lots of celebrities in them. And I guess they use Uber Eats also. But one commercial that puzzled me was Seal. The singer Seal was was a seal, as in an animal. Like a seal. A sea lion singing the song Kiss from a rose. I don’t even know what that product was for, but can I tell you something? I have actually seen this done before. There was an animated special years and years ago where a seal it was claymation. And I don’t know the name. Another thing I don’t know the name of Seal. This character was singing Crazy by Seal, and that was the whole joke. So I’m just saying, like, you can’t be just rehashing things I saw, like on network television in 2015 or whatever. It felt a bit unoriginal to me. And also, I just want to say Kiss from a Rose is not as good a song as crazy, which I think is one of the best songs in the 1990s. We’re never going to survive unless we get a little crazy.


Ira Madison III Also, yeah, I don’t really like listen to Seal to say that I.


Louis Virtel Just like Heidi Klum at the end of their marriage, she said, I’m shutting you off.


Ira Madison III I’m not Leslie Seal anymore. Like who is at home listening to Kiss from a Rose? I need to see this person.


Louis Virtel Yeah, I do enjoy the Batman Forever soundtrack. Like, once. Once in a while as a gag. As you know, I work in comedy. I love a little bit.


Ira Madison III I like, need to know the person who is like, Let me get home, light my diptyque and put on kiss from a rose. Do you have some problems?


Louis Virtel You think so?


Ira Madison III Yeah. Yeah.


Louis Virtel There is that funny scene in Ingrid goes west with a kiss from a rose. Right? Then they play it in the car.


Ira Madison III That’s me.


Louis Virtel That’s back when I realized, like. Wait, I underestimated Aubrey Plaza. She’s bringing a lot to the silver screen.


Ira Madison III Yeah, baby, she’s the whole mall. Yeah.


Louis Virtel Not just the Plaza. Well, actually, applause was probably bigger than a mall, right?


Ira Madison III See the Plaza Suite? Okay.


Louis Virtel There we go. All right. Neil Simon has been invoked. IRA, what is your key? But this week.


Ira Madison III My key. But as the people might know, the optics and listen, the network is from Iran.


Louis Virtel I just want to say diptyque.


Ira Madison III I know my. Keep it, girl. I’m tired. This. This feels like a throwback. Keep it, to be honest. This feels like something from one of the first two years of the show.


Louis Virtel God. Here comes a Kanye reference.


Ira Madison III I’m positive it’s just about time. Yeah. Yeah.


Louis Virtel No. Once upon a time, you really felt obligated to talk about the dumb things you do now. It’s like, so hat on a hat and a hat level. Dumb that it’s like, why even acknowledge it? But you’re right. There is a special brand of horrible that occurred this week.


Ira Madison III Well, now you’ve got me thinking about that children’s book, Hats for Sale.


Louis Virtel Or the Bartholomew Cabins and the 500 hats he had or whatever. That’s going to make you gay, Bartholomew. He’s got all those hats. I want some.


Ira Madison III And you know, he called them.


Louis Virtel Seppo was a shepherd with an X.


Ira Madison III Yeah.


Louis Virtel Jasmine Sullivan. Chapo Tails.


Ira Madison III Shut up. Okay. Yeah. Yeah, right. So he was ranting on X again, calling himself a Nazi, being generally horrible. And there was a commercial where he led everyone to his Web site, and lo and behold, he’s just selling a T-shirt with a swastika on it.


Louis Virtel That is the only thing on this Web site.


Ira Madison III Is.


Louis Virtel Just a swastika T-shirt. And by the way, there’s no. I know you’re thinking, well, surely there must be a fabulous design element to make the swastika. Nope. It’s just a black one on a white backdrop.


Ira Madison III Yeah. Here’s the thing. This is horrible.


Louis Virtel Yeah.


Ira Madison III And we’re sick of hearing about this man. Have we not learned from him from Trump that, like, this is what he thrives on? Like the attention you get from it? People getting mad. I didn’t actually see the commercial. Like, I actually learned that the shirt was in existence by seeing it in every other Instagram story last night. Like just. Just everyone sharing it for him. And I’m like, that’s exactly what he wants. You know, And you have the ADL coming out against him. Meanwhile, they were like, well, I think Elon Musk was just being, you know, friendly and he’s autistic and that’s why he was doing the Roman salute. You know, I think that there’s a lot of. Unserious is happening in response to this. We know that carnage is horrible. I don’t we don’t need to be talking about him constantly because that’s exactly what he wants. We don’t need the media talking about him constantly. I just think a lot of energy being put into this man. I thought we were over that.


Louis Virtel Yeah. And it also just feels like he’s doing the next possible thing. He has to step up to get attention again, which is like, now I’m just saying I am a Nazi. Now I’m using the word Hitler or whatever. Like, I don’t know where he can possibly go from here, but I assure you he’ll get there.


Ira Madison III But I Pritish didn’t he do this like last year or.


Louis Virtel It is. It is seemingly a fixation of his.


Ira Madison III Yeah. And I don’t know. I just feel like the giving him the attention, like and then being so many people being like, who’s talking about this? Who’s reporting about this? What are we going to do about this? And I’m like people talking about it, but what are what are you really going to do about it?


Louis Virtel Right. No, it’s it’s crazy for the sake of crazy. I mean, just like everything he does. Yeah, you’re right. I remember when when he comes up, just in general, it’s like, what if he’s a rich person who was spending his money only in this way? I mean, it’s just like we live in this universe where these people are, like, indestructible when they are like that, you know?


Ira Madison III Yeah. And I just feel like we should have a little bit more spoke for people like Elon Musk who are attending far right things via zoom in Germany and his and are actually, you know running our government right now other than the crazy rich person in Calabasas who is just tweeting into the void hoping anyone pays attention to him.


Louis Virtel And his wife wearing not even Spanx. Did we describe do we ever figure out what that garment would be called? Is it a garment?


Ira Madison III Was it Saran wrap, baby? She was wearing her momma’s pantyhose. Yeah.


Louis Virtel Actually, let me get some legs up in here. Apostrophe eggs.


Ira Madison III Did not get enough attention from the Grammys for just walking the carpet, so, of course, it’s this.


Louis Virtel Yeah, right. No, it’s sickening. I hate. I hate being frozen in this moment in time. That feels like I should have been over in 2016. That nothing. It’s like we it’s just 2016, too, is where we’re living right now.


Ira Madison III Yeah. But I also want to point out, too, that no one’s buying the shirt, you know, like I don’t like Nazis aren’t buying a shirt from a nigga. I’m sorry. Like it’s let me go to the black man’s website and get my swastika gear. They have access to it already, you know?


Louis Virtel Right. Also, I believe they have this just capability period. Like they know how to make the shirts. They have their guy. They go to, you.


Ira Madison III Know, I mean, the shirts are for sale elsewhere. Okay. Right.


Louis Virtel They don’t need a paper trail. Yeah.


Ira Madison III They certainly don’t want to get a designer one from Yeezy.


Louis Virtel Right. They’re like, let’s not bring PayPal into this.


Ira Madison III Also, he got .0000 1% of votes when he ran for president at that time. And like and all those people weren’t even his supporters. There were just people doing some of them were doing it. For a guy like this, this man gets attention when you talk about him. So stop talking about him.


Louis Virtel Yeah, I definitely miss when he was, like, obsessed with Jesus. Go back to that.


Ira Madison III Well, I love Jesus.


Louis Virtel I know we Stan.


Ira Madison III Yeah. You know, yesterday I was on the beach, and I was. I was looking down, and I saw only one set of footprints. And I realized that was where Jesus carried me.


Louis Virtel My God. That’s what you realized?


Ira Madison III Wow. Yeah. I couldn’t even remember the saying. I was trying to get into it and I was stalling for time.


Louis Virtel Your relationship with Jesus is? I don’t trust it a little. It’s a little worry making.


Ira Madison III Well, I mean, first of all, I call him JC.


Louis Virtel Right. Like Shazay.


Ira Madison III Yeah, well, I meant like Kirk Franklin. JC are you with me?


Louis Virtel Ugh huh.


Ira Madison III You know.


Louis Virtel And he’s, you know, nowhere to be found.


Ira Madison III Yeah. No, he’s. He’s not there. He’s not even returning my calls.


Louis Virtel It’s been a lovely episode of Keep It.


Ira Madison III Thank you to Yura Borisov for being here. Don’t forget Monday bonus episode of Keep It. It’s our live Boston show.


Louis Virtel And we will see you next week.


Ira Madison III Don’t forget to follow Crooked Media on Instagram, Twitter and TikTok. You can also subscribe to Keep It on YouTube for access to full episodes and other exclusive content. And if you’re as opinionated as we are, consider dropping us for review or leaving comments on the YouTube page.


Louis Virtel Keep It is a Crooked Media production. Our producer is Bill McGrath. Our associate producer is Kennedy Hill and our executive producers are Ira Madison, the third, Louis Virtel, and Kendra James. Our digital team is Megan Patsel, Claudia Sheng, and Rachel Gaieski.


Ira Madison III This episode was recorded and mixed by Vasilis Fotopoulos. Thank you to Matt DeGroot, David Toles, Kyle Seglin, and Charlotte Landes for production support. Every week our production staff is proudly unionized with the Writers Guild of America East and as always, Keep It is filmed in front of a live studio audience.


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