“Post Office With Guns” | Crooked Media
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October 27, 2017
With Friends Like These
“Post Office With Guns”

In This Episode

First, Crooked Media’s Jon Lovett (@jonlovett) stops by to answer a listener’s question about the role of gay men in #metoo, which leads to an honest discussion about female vs. male leadership.

Then, we sit down with Afghanistan war veteran Nate Bethea (@inthesedeserts) to explore how progressives should situate themselves in relation to the military (spoiler: plenty of people who serve are leftists, if not as overtly so as right-leaning troops). We also ask, is it OK to criticize the military, and who should be doing the criticizing? Finally, we acknowledge that standing for troops at airports can be uncomfortable for all parties, and settle on saying hi one-on-one instead.

Nate’s podcast, called What a Hell of a Way To Die, deals with military and veterans issues from a leftist perspective and can be found here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/what-a-hell-of-a-way-to-die/id1174466127?mt=2

Also relevant to the conversation, Jamelle Bouie talked to US Navy vet Ted Johnson for Slate’s Trumpcast podcast about Trump and the White House’s attempts to cast critics of the administration as unpatriotic. Listen to that discussion here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/slates-trumpcast/id1093260018?mt=2

This poll in the Military Times found 42 percent of non-white troops have personally experienced examples of white nationalism while serving, with nearly one in four respondents saying they’ve seen it: https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2017/10/23/military-times-poll-one-in-four-troops-sees-white-nationalism-in-the-ranks/

And in case you missed it, Helen Rosner’s (@hels) list of 20 things men can do right the fuck now to support women, beyond just literally ceasing to sexually harass them: https://medium.com/@hels/20-things-men-can-do-rtfn-to-support-women-beyond-just-literally-ceasing-to-sexually-harass-us-b06da5ff90f.

Tweet the pod at @crooked_friends and email us your questions at withfriendslikepod@gmail.com.

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Check out the Better Off podcast, where Emmy-nominated Business Analyst Jill Schlesinger takes on uncomfortable and sometimes controversial money and investing issues.