In This Episode
DeRay gets together with Chelsea Handler to talk about the world, allyship, and being both funny and angry (swearing abounds). Political pollster Cornell Belcher joins DeRay to discuss the synergies between Obama’s win and Doug Jones’. Sam, Brittany and Clint join for this week’s news.
Show Notes:
Texas Observer: Austin City Council Takes a Step Toward Police Reform, Rejects Union Contract
CNN: Doug Jones: Trump shouldn’t resign over sexual misconduct allegations
USA Today: Alabama’s new senator Doug Jones not sure about GOP tax plan
Marshall Project: A Mass Incarceration Mystery. Why are black imprisonment rates going down? Four theories.
Chicago Tribune: Food stamp benefits disrupted for thousands as state launches new eligibility system
Portland Maine: LePage still wants to ban junk food from food stamp program
CBS: Scott Walker moves forward with plan to drug test food stamp users
Stanford Study on Incarceration
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