Chronically Online with Jon Favreau | Crooked Media
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December 22, 2022
Dare We Say
Chronically Online with Jon Favreau

In This Episode

Icon and legend Jon Favreau joins Josie and Yasmine for an Offline x Dare We Say crossover episode! After a thorough roast of his age (over 40), they answer questions from Offline’s listeners, such as “Do you ever wonder what it’d be like NOT to be a digital native?” and “What emojis are cringe?”

Show Notes

Offline with Jon Favreau


Yasmine Hamady: Hi, everyone, this is Yasmine Hamady. And you’re listening to Dare We Say. Not only am I referred to as Yasmine Hamady, I’m also referred to as God’s favorite, the cutie pie over there, the nugget, the fattest ass in all of the west of the Mississippi, the pretty one, the one with the beautiful eyes, Nathan Fielder’s wife, the one you love, the one you take home to your parents, the one you adore. My producers are telling me to wrap it up. We are going to be doing something a little different today. Josie is going to enter in the villa. No, this is not Love Island. I just wanted to say villa, it’s been a long week um and we are going to be talking about all things Internet, all things frenzy, all things dark web with someone who we have not many things in common with specifically in age and his name is Jon not Lovett sorry Favreau. Today we’re going to be joining Jon Favreau with his podcast Offline with who? Jon Favreau. We’ll be right back. [music break]

Jon Favreau: Josie Totah and Yasmine Hamady, uh hosts– 

Yasmine Hamady: Hi! 

Jon Favreau: –Hosts of the fantastic show Dare We Say, welcome to Offline. 

Yasmine Hamady: Oh, my God. We’re so happy to be here. 

Josie Totah: Thank you for having us. 

Jon Favreau: I mean, our producers have wanted to do this crossover for a while now. I think mostly to have fun at my expense. As a 41 year old who is hopelessly out of touch with the social media habits of– 

Yasmine Hamady: Got it. 

Jon Favreau: –twenty somethings. Um. And I’m always down to be embarrassed. So here we are. 

Josie Totah: I think you’re selling yourself short. I think the the younger children I think you’d be happy to hear that you’ve quite a big fan base [unclear]. 

Yasmine Hamady: Yeah. You do. 

Jon Favreau: Oh well. See I–

Josie Totah: Among the Gen Z– 

Jon Favreau: –this is what–

Josie Totah: –The the children. 

Jon Favreau: I already love this episode.

Josie Totah: They love you. 

Yasmine Hamady: Yeah, you’re like, this is [laugh] actually the reason why we’re doing this episode. So continue it.

Jon Favreau: This is what I wanted to hear. 

Yasmine Hamady: You know, but before you came in– 

Josie Totah: They love Favreau. 

Yasmine Hamady: –I actually was doing the intro for Dare We Say, and I was like, we’re going to be with a 37 year old. So I thought you were 37 and then Caroline–

Jon Favreau: Thank you. 

Yasmine Hamady: –quickly shut that down. Caroline, quickly shut that down. So–

Jon Favreau: [laugh] Now I’m, no. My younger brother is, who Josie knows is uh is– 

Josie Totah: Yes. Who–

Jon Favreau: –Is that is that age. 

Josie Totah: –played my uncle on a, on a short lived television series. 

Jon Favreau: That’s right. 

Josie Totah: Called Champions. 

Jon Favreau: Andy and Josie worked together. 

Yasmine Hamady: Oh, my God. 

Jon Favreau: Yeah. 

Yasmine Hamady: Small world.

Josie Totah: Shout out Andy Favreau. Where I also played a South Asian character. So–

Yasmine Hamady: [laughing] Already. And the times were different. 

Jon Favreau: Times were different. It was a I don’t even know how many years ago now.

Josie Totah: Times were different back then. 

Jon Favreau: Yeah. 

Josie Totah: Times were different. 

Jon Favreau: So we ask people for questions. And and just as an example, um uh I got this reply that was definitely not a question. OMG Favs is like their grandfather. [gasp] So that’s one thing that happened. Um.

Yasmine Hamady: How does that make you feel? 

Jon Favreau: Fine. 

Yasmine Hamady: Okay. [laughter] You’re like, I sleep well at night. I don’t care. 

Jon Favreau: I have a few actual questions for for the two of you– 

Josie Totah: Please. 

Jon Favreau: –About your experience uh being the most online generation yet. Um. But feel free to jump in at any time if you have questions, comments, mockery for me, whatever. 

Yasmine Hamady: Slay. Okay. 

Jon Favreau: Okay, first question. Uh. What do you think is the biggest generational divide in terms of how older and younger people use and think about social media? 

Yasmine Hamady: Wow. 

Jon Favreau: Yas, you want to go first? 

Yasmine Hamady: Yeah. Okay. So, first of all, love that you called me Yas, I’m so grateful– 

Jon Favreau: I’m just– 

Yasmine Hamady: –That we’re on that– 

Jon Favreau: –We’re on that’s what– 

Yasmine Hamady: –We’re on that level now. 

Jon Favreau: That’s how we are. 

Yasmine Hamady: Um. I think the big one is, my parents always say this to me, why do you want to put your whole life on social media? Why do you care to share everything on social media? What you’re doing, whether that’s a story, a post, tagging a location, whereas my parents were very removed from that. So I think it’s I think we, our generation want to capitalize off social media and make something out of it. Whereas I feel like your generation kind of wants to share it in like a more playful way. Does that make sense? 

Jon Favreau: It does make sense. 

Yasmine Hamady: Okay. 

Jon Favreau: Well, I mean, why Josie why do you if you agree um with your cohost, uh why do you feel like you want to share so much of your life on social media? 

Josie Totah: I think as young people and specifically our generation, we have a tendency to want to feel closer to other people. 

Yasmine Hamady: Yeah. 

Josie Totah: And to feel less alone. And I think we have capitalized off of social media and weaponized it as a way to connect to people who are like us, especially if you are from a marginalized community. I mean, even just growing up as a trans person in you know Northern California, I didn’t know anyone else who was trans. I had never met a trans person. I had never even heard of a friend knowing a friend that was trans and having social media to kind of make friends online or just get advice from like a big sister or an older friend that you would in real life um was instrumental. And I think young people really understand the power of connection. I think–. 

Yasmine Hamady: Yeah. 

Josie Totah: –I think that this might be I mean, it could be untrue, but in my opinion, I would say that most of the polarization we see in media is coming from older generations. And I think younger people are actually trying to merge that divide. 

Yasmine Hamady: 100%. 

Jon Favreau: That’s interesting. I think I’m an interesting case. My generation is an interesting case because I think we’re sort of on the edge. Like– 

Yasmine Hamady: Right. 

Jon Favreau: I spent the first 20 years of my life without social media. 

Yasmine Hamady: Yeah. 

Jon Favreau: And then I have spent the last 20 on social media. I feel like when I when I started to get on social media, like when I first got on Instagram, uh it was a place for it was a place to connect with friends. 

Yasmine Hamady: Yeah. 

Jon Favreau: Which is what you guys are talking about, which I really loved. I think where social media, at least for me, has gotten worse is when those connections go beyond just friends or people that you meet online that become your friends, and it’s instead the whole world that you’re talking to and dealing with and hearing from all the time. 

Yasmine Hamady: Oh oh yeah. I think social media is such what a convenient place to have an opinion also because you can hide behind a screen. There’s a lot of like user7321. 

Jon Favreau: Yeah. 

Yasmine Hamady: User blah, blah, blah. Like a lot of catfishes out there that are so willing to just put their opinion out just for the sake of putting their opinion out. 

Jon Favreau: Yeah. 

Yasmine Hamady: And I feel like I think there’s a study that did this that the majority are men in like the Midwest or like the south of the United States that are like in their thirties, that just love trolling. 

Jon Favreau: Yeah. 

Yasmine Hamady: And this is big. I don’t know what the gaming community or whatnot, but they love having an opinion and starting havoc just for the sake of havoc. 

Jon Favreau: Yeah. 

Josie Totah: Mm hmm. 

Yasmine Hamady: And I think that’s the difference also because like, they’re, they’re not exactly your generation. 

Jon Favreau: Yeah. 

Yasmine Hamady: But they’re not ours. They’re right in between us. 

Jon Favreau: Yeah. 

Yasmine Hamady: Do you know what I’m saying? 

Jon Favreau: Yeah. Sort of uh lonelier dudes– 

Yasmine Hamady: Lonely– 

Jon Favreau: –younger dudes. 

Yasmine Hamady: –lonely men. Yeah, that just. They want to. They’re. They resent people having a community. Therefore, they’re coming in and trying to rip it apart. 

Jon Favreau: Yeah. Is there. Is there anything that uh Rubin asked this question? Username Rubin, is there anything younger, more online people wish they could have experienced, like the less online generations before them? 

Josie Totah: I think even just growing up, you know, we talk about it a lot on our show and even just amongst each other as friends, it’s not normal to, like, see each other or our own faces this much. And as actors, I think that’s something that, like, we have to reckon with, but like that’s something that everyone can relate to now is we’re so aware of every single detail of our appearance and what we look like at any moment of the day or any second– 

Yasmine Hamady: Yeah.

Josie Totah: –as young people are on like [laugh] camera as pathetic as it sounds is like opened like a million times a day. You know. 

Jon Favreau: Yeah. 

Josie Totah: It’s it’s it’s so weird. I don’t even know if you if you know that. But like, yeah, someone’s always looking at themselves when they’re moving about their day. And I think just growing up is something that we get we missed out on, like having a genuine puberty experience– 

Yasmine Hamady: Yeah Jos. 

Josie Totah: –without having to have every second of their lives documented. And I think that that stunts a lot of growth in people. 

Jon Favreau: Huh. 

Yasmine Hamady: Yeah, 100%. I think it’s also I just we don’t go outside as much. We don’t like the very simplest of things. We don’t enjoy the basic aspects of life like I and that I’m at fault for this, too. Like when I go outside and or like and the trees looking really beautiful, instead of like going to touch a tree or like look at a tree I’m like, let me take a photo of this first. 

Jon Favreau: Yeah. 

Yasmine Hamady: Like let me document– 

Jon Favreau: Yeah. 

Yasmine Hamady: –this person’s story or when I’m going out to a restaurant, and the food’s really beautiful. Instead of, like, being mesmerized by the food and being like, I can’t wait to eat this plate. I’m like, let me take a photo of this first. Let me show the world this. 

Josie Totah: I remember I think it was I think it was Earth Day like many years ago in like 2008 or whatever. And Disney Channel stopped all programing for an entire day and said, like, you just need to go out and play outside. And that memory just came back to my head. I was like, there would never and we didn’t have Instagram. We didn’t have Instagram then me sounding like an elder when I was literally– 

Yasmine Hamady: Please. [laugh]

Josie Totah: –six years old um back in the day she’s been through it. She said growth. She started in the sticks. 

Yasmine Hamady: Please. 

Josie Totah: Um. 

Yasmine Hamady: Chip on her shoulder. 

Josie Totah: But like– 

Yasmine Hamady: You’ve come so– 

Josie Totah: I can’t– 

Yasmine Hamady: –far, babe. 

Josie Totah: But you can’t just shut down all social media, you know, like, there’s everything is always on. I can’t even go 10 minutes without being spoiled by the White Lotus finale because I haven’t even had enough time to watch it. And that fucks you up, you know. 

Jon Favreau: Yeah. 

Yasmine Hamady: That’s emotionally though specifically the White Lotus finale. That’s like traumatizing for someone. 

Jon Favreau: No, I we I couldn’t watch it even for an hour and a half. And uh I had to, like, plug in my phone. And I just left it somewhere– 

Yasmine Hamady: Yeah. 

Jon Favreau: –Because I was like, I can’t even pick up my phone because, forget about Twitter. Like friends would text about it. The one experience–

Josie Totah: Right. 

Jon Favreau: –I wish that you both could have had that with it that I used to have when I was in college. So we only had we had instant messenger in college and no phones. We did not have cell phones, uh or at least not like smartphones. 

Yasmine Hamady: Yeah. 

Jon Favreau: So you would go out to a party, you go out with your friends to the party, and then you’d all, you’d have the party. Everyone would split up, do different things, and then the next day you would go to brunch in the dining hall. And that would be the first time you heard about your friends night and what happened af– 

Yasmine Hamady: The debrief. 

Jon Favreau: The debrief. 

Yasmine Hamady: The debrief. 

Josie Totah: The debrief. 

Yasmine Hamady: Yes.

Jon Favreau: There was a full brunch debrief that never happens now–

Yasmine Hamady: Yeah. 

Jon Favreau: –I would imagine because–

Josie Totah: –The anticipation. 

Jon Favreau: The anticipation. 

Josie Totah: The anticipation. 

Jon Favreau: And and the stories and you connect over those stories at brunch, and it’s such a it’s something you look forward to. 

Yasmine Hamady: Yeah. 

Jon Favreau: And now it’s all sort of instant and everything’s planned and you know where everyone is all the time. 

Yasmine Hamady: I completely agree. 

Josie Totah: I will say we do. We try to do that. We do something in our friend group where we give teases, where we’re like, okay– 

Yasmine Hamady: Yeah. 

Josie Totah: –I need to I need to debrief you on this but I’m like can at least have a tease. And so we’ll give like, key words. 

Yasmine Hamady: Yup. But–

Josie Totah: And we love a debrief. 

Yasmine Hamady: No, we– 

Josie Totah: We always do coffee in the morning. 

Yasmine Hamady: Always do coffee, and it’s always on the couch. And like, all of us will come together. And the teaser cannot be like more than two sentences long. 

Jon Favreau: That’s good. I like that.

Yasmine Hamady: And like some– 

Josie Totah: But that is true though. If you ran into your ex, you would just text me in that moment and be like, I ran into my ex. 

Yasmine Hamady: I ran into my ex. But I don’t, but then you would make sure to say and this is something I really value in my friendships, is that I don’t want to hear about it that night, I want to like the I want to have the community together tomorrow morning and let’s do the debrief like it is literally a ritual– 

Jon Favreau: Yeah. 

Yasmine Hamady: –Of sorts of like having that moment. And it’s like my friends in college and I were talking about it because I was in Santa Barbara this weekend with them for a birthday and we like had a little bit of fun. And the next morning we’re like, let’s talk about it. [laughter] And we were together too. We weren’t on social media, we weren’t talking about it, but it’s like being together on a couch talking. 

Jon Favreau: It’s great. 

Yasmine Hamady: Talking tea like that is I don’t know it’s rare.

Jon Favreau: Well part of it is like all my friends, none of us, there’s one friend that we have who’s still single. And so like now all of it, we’re like, tell us your story. Like, did you go on a date? Tell us about the date. 

Yasmine Hamady: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Jon Favreau: Because none of us have any– 

Josie Totah: Right. 

Jon Favreau: –none of us have any other news. We’re like, yeah, we, you know, we’re married. We, we did what married people do. [laughing]

Yasmine Hamady: And what is that? Married with children? 

Jon Favreau: Uh married with children. We uh watch TV till 8:30 or 9:00 and then go to bed. [laughing]

Yasmine Hamady: Sure. 

Jon Favreau: Or or if there’s like a big night out, we get a babysitter, then, you know, we go out till– 

Yasmine Hamady: And then the debrief. 

Jon Favreau: –11 or 11:30. [laughing] 

Yasmine Hamady: The debrief in the morning– 

Jon Favreau: I think there’s somewhat of a– 

Yasmine Hamady: –on FaceTime with a baby?

Jon Favreau: Yeah there’s somewhat of a– 

Yasmine Hamady: I can imagine Emily–

Jon Favreau: –debrief. 

Yasmine Hamady: –like that. Like hold–

Jon Favreau: That’s what that– 

Josie Totah: Like that dateline episode last night was insane. 

Yasmine Hamady: Yeah. [laughter]. 


Jon Favreau: How much pressure do you feel to post about social or political issues or causes or events? 

Josie Totah: I think it’s become so ingrained in our culture and we also discussed the really tight line between performative activism and posting authentically, because social media has become such a utility in our lives that it almost feels wrong to not post about things that are happening in the world. If you have time and if you are posting about, you know, your beach bikini pics and what have you. Even to the point where I had written this like sweet paragraph in my notes app one day, when I was feeling emotional and was reflecting on the past four years that I had been at college and stepping into my gender identity and my truth and myself and my [laugh] I sent it to my mom and she was like, this is great, but um it doesn’t mention anything to do with Iran and that’s where you should be really focused right now. 

Yasmine Hamady: Oh. 

Josie Totah: And this was like a few weeks, this was like a month ago. 

Yasmine Hamady: Yeah. 

Josie Totah: And I’m like, I’m posting about Iran mother. And this, that is so much obviously more important in my opinion than what I’m saying right now. 

Yasmine Hamady: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Josie Totah: But I’m like even my mom is like but also that that would be inauthentic for me to just end a paragraph, you know, shouting out this obviously very important– 

Yasmine Hamady: Yeah, you’re like pray for this country.

Josie Totah: –cause that needs to be discussed. Um so–

Jon Favreau: Also Iran. 

Yasmine Hamady: Yeah, also Iran. 

Josie Totah: Also like also Iran. 

Jon Favreau: Care about it.

Josie Totah: Which by the way, also Iran. Are we, [laughter] we are going through a revolution right now and everybody should be informed of this and should look it up if– 

Yasmine Hamady: Yeah. 

Josie Totah: –they don’t know what we’re talking about. But even to the point where my mom is mentioning it, it’s like it’s become such a part of of our vernacular that it’s like it’s a difficult to line to tell. 

Yasmine Hamady: Yeah. Um. Like Josie said, we have an episode on this like the the award for best performative activism on– 

Jon Favreau: Yeah. 

Yasmine Hamady: –Dare We Say um and I’m split. I have two opinions because to a degree I do believe that if you have a platform, you 100% have a responsibility to post about things. 

Jon Favreau: Mm hmm. 

Yasmine Hamady: In my opinion, if you have a platform, you have that responsibility. That being said, if it’s not authentic, if you’re not educated about it, if you’ve– 

Jon Favreau: Right. 

Yasmine Hamady: –not done your due diligence and your research, don’t do it. Don’t do it. Like–

Jon Favreau: Because that that that would be my like I I do this for a living, right? 

Yasmine Hamady: Yes. 

Jon Favreau: Like I’m a political news junkie, so I’ll post about– 

Yasmine Hamady: Right. 

Jon Favreau: –I can post about most things, but most people shouldn’t have to know about everything. 

Yasmine Hamady: No. 

Jon Favreau: Like it’d be nice if you were educated about every issue in the world. But if you’re not and you still feel like you have to post about it anyway, I feel like that’s when people get into trouble. 

Yasmine Hamady: 100%. And also you have to protect your peace at the end of the day too, because like the girls and I have talked about this, there’s so many awful things going on in the world constantly and like, we’re literally burning into shreds right now with our climate and like, things can be so daunting and so sad that posting about every sad and horrific issue might do more harm than good. 

Jon Favreau: Yeah. 

Yasmine Hamady: Might do more harm than good. So I think taking a step back and just feeling like taking out that pressure, but also knowing if you do have that, um if you are on a not a pedestal, but people do look up to you and people do come to you for news acknowledging that and then going forward. 

Jon Favreau: Yeah, I think you can make the world a better place and work to improve things without just like bumming everyone out all the time. 

Yasmine Hamady: Oh my God. Yes, 100%. [laughter] No and that’s something I really like about Pod Save America. And specifically, a lot of the shows on Crooked is that they, they we we all bring levity– 

Jon Favreau: Yeah. 

Yasmine Hamady: –to these news. 

Jon Favreau: I think it’s important. 

Yasmine Hamady: Because that’s how hope–

Josie Totah: Lovetty.

Yasmine Hamady: Lovetty. Yes. 

Jon Favreau: Lovett. [laughing] 

Yasmine Hamady: Hashtag, Jon Lovett. But but that’s how we move forward is because we’ll all just sit in a pit of our own tears for years. 

Jon Favreau: Yeah. 

Yasmine Hamady: You know?

Jon Favreau: And that’s not helping anyone. 

Yasmine Hamady: No, that’s not. 

Jon Favreau: Yeah. You only live once. Um Carrow on Instagram asks, uh you guys should talk about dating apps. They’re terrible. Um. I just missed dating apps. Since I met Emily, like, right before dating apps took off. 

Yasmine Hamady: Really? 

Jon Favreau: So I totally missed them. Do you use them– 

Josie Totah: Lucky you. 

Jon Favreau: –or are they terrible? 

Josie Totah: I have been on famously one date on a dating app, so I do not use them. Um. They don’t work for me. I’m more of a, I used to be a really like uh Instagram-er dating app person like using Instagram as a dating app.

Yasmine Hamady: Yeah you were a DM-er.

Jon Favreau: Okay. 

Josie Totah: I was a DM-er, I’m former, I’m a recovering addict. 

Yasmine Hamady: You’re a former– [laughing] 

Josie Totah: I don’t do that anymore. I I don’t know where I had the confidence to do such a thing, um but now I’m just kind of like if I just get I need, I don’t know. I’m waiting to get smacked in the face on accident by a man in, like, a cafe. And like I fall to my knees in love. 

Yasmine Hamady: Please. 

Josie Totah: Um. 

Jon Favreau: That’s great. [laughter]

Josie Totah: I don’t know why our meet cute is like domestic abuse. 

Yasmine Hamady: Please, I cannot.

Josie Totah: I’ll work on that. [laughter] But Yasmine is the person that I get all my dating app stories– 

Yasmine Hamady: Yeah. 

Josie Totah: –from. 

Yasmine Hamady: So I actually met my current like I hate the word partner so much. 

Josie Totah: Lover? 

Yasmine Hamady: But like my person that I’m– 

Jon Favreau: I know, it’s like a boring sort of antiseptic–

Yasmine Hamady: Like I hate it.

Jon Favreau: –word. That’s what–

Yasmine Hamady: Like, my partner–

Jon Favreau: Yeah yeah yeah.

Yasmine Hamady: –like I’m like, we’re not ninety. 

Jon Favreau: Right. [laughing]

Yasmine Hamady: We are in a committed relationship, but like– 

Jon Favreau: Yeah. 

Yasmine Hamady: I’m not like, this is my partner. Like this is my person. Um. We actually met through Hinge and so–

Jon Favreau: Okay. 

Yasmine Hamady: Yes, we met on– 

Jon Favreau: Hinge, Hinge has always seemed like the friendliest safest one. 

Yasmine Hamady: It’s the safest one because Tinder’s like for like if you want to like hook up strictly hooking up. Bumble is kind of like, oh woman make the first move first like, oh, just relax. 

Jon Favreau: Yeah. 

Yasmine Hamady: Like, literally relax. Hinge is like the app that’s supposed to be deleted and that’s kind of iconic, which I did delete it actually, you know, and like I sent my person a rose because you could do that. Dating apps are fun, but like there are a bunch of weirdos on there and also people are not taking it seriously. 

Jon Favreau: Seems like it’d get exhausting too. 

Josie Totah: I encourage people to talk to talk to more people in person. 

Yasmine Hamady: Yeah. 

Josie Totah: Which is sounds I now I sound like like I’m a a co-host of The View or something speaking to children– 

Yasmine Hamady: Yeah. Okay. Go off The View. 

Josie Totah: –like they know what I mean– 

Jon Favreau: I like this. 

Josie Totah: -when I’m literally that person. 

Jon Favreau: I like this. 

Josie Totah: I am that person that needs to be told this to you. But like I will go up and just talk to random people all the time. And especially now I’ve been living in like a foreign country for the past six months and I’ve gotten bored of just life. And so I’ve gone up to random people and just been like, Hi, how are you? And I would encourage it. I think it creates connections that are more genuine and–

Yasmine Hamady: I agree. 

Josie Totah: –authentic, and you’re not hiding behind a phone. You’re forced to, like, show up for yourself. 

Jon Favreau: Yeah. 

Yasmine Hamady: But also–

Josie Totah: So I’d recommend that. 

Yasmine Hamady: –you do meet, [?] I hate to play the devil’s advocate, but like then you do meet some good people. It’s very rare because I’ve been on, Josie knows I’ve cried to her. I’ve cried over bad dates on Hinge and on Bumble and on these bullshit apps. 

Jon Favreau: Yeah. 

Yasmine Hamady: Like these guys suck. And then you meet like this girl. Like one girl who’s, like, changes your life and like, she’s incredible on Hinge and like– 

Jon Favreau: I’ve heard it both ways look I–

Yasmine Hamady: We’re in love. 

Jon Favreau: I I met Emily at a bar randomly. 

Yasmine Hamady: See that’s great. 

Jon Favreau: Totally just– 

Yasmine Hamady: That’s– 

Jon Favreau: –Randomly. 

Yasmine Hamady: –Great. Yeah.

Jon Favreau: –At a bar. We our our– 

Josie Totah: Met her at a bar. 

Jon Favreau: –group of friends went up to her group of friends and that was that. And then I have friends who–

Josie Totah: So 1800s.

Jon Favreau: –met their spouses on uh dating apps. 

Yasmine Hamady: Yeah, so it’s it really goes–

Jon Favreau: And it’s worked out well. 

Yasmine Hamady: It goes both ways, you know. 

Josie Totah: It’s whatever floats your boat. 

Yasmine Hamady: It’s whatever floats–

Josie Totah: Whatever works for you. 

Yasmine Hamady: It doesn’t float Josie’s. And it floats mine perfectly. But–

Jon Favreau: There you go. 

Yasmine Hamady: Yeah. 

Jon Favreau: Katie on Instagram says, uh what are your favorite emojis and which ones do you think are cringe. 

Yasmine Hamady: I’m taking them out.

Josie Totah: I am not really an emoji user. 

Jon Favreau: Yeah, no me neither. 

Josie Totah: At all. I’m just pretty blunt. 

Jon Favreau: I’m not an unironic emoji user. 

Yasmine Hamady: I am. [laugh] I am. Hold on I’m getting out a–

Josie Totah: Yasmine is the is the one for that. I don’t really–

Yasmine Hamady: See. Here are my little things. Okay. 

Jon Favreau: I sometimes use the eyeroll emoji. 

Yasmine Hamady: I know you would. [laughter] That literally makes sense. You I can [?] Jon, like, just having the– 

Jon Favreau: It’s like– 

Yasmine Hamady: This one. 

Jon Favreau: Oh god– 

Yasmine Hamady: So– 

Jon Favreau: –really? 

Yasmine Hamady: There’s this one. I love the heart. Like having the hand on the heart. 

Jon Favreau: Okay. 

Yasmine Hamady: This. Ding. 

Jon Favreau: Yeah. 

Yasmine Hamady: And then this one, I salute you. Ding. That’s like. Yes, ma’am. Like, yes, sir. 

Josie Totah: Those are great ones. 

Yasmine Hamady: And then this one. [pause] [laughing]

Yasmine Hamady: This one like– 

Josie Totah: Face palm.

Jon Favreau: Surprise face. 

Yasmine Hamady: The no it’s like– 

Jon Favreau: Oh oh oh palm face. 

Yasmine Hamady: The palm on the–

Josie Totah: Hand over palm, hand, palm over mouth. 

Jon Favreau: Trying to explain these for the audio medium.

Yasmine Hamady: Exactly. I love– 

Josie Totah: Yeah. 

Yasmine Hamady: The bubbles. I love bubble emoji. 

Jon Favreau: Bubble? 

Yasmine Hamady: Bubble. Like it’s really pretty colors. 

Jon Favreau: Oh! 

Yasmine Hamady: And then obviously the laughing. Oh, I also love the [pause] [laughing] That one.

Josie Totah: Sad face. 

Yasmine Hamady: No. It’s like– 

Josie Totah: The face–

Yasmine Hamady: [?] you love me?

Josie Totah: No. She looks like she is. Oh, she’s, like, emotional. She’s like a wi– it’s like a wimp face. 

Yasmine Hamady: A wimp. 

Jon Favreau: Okay. 

Yasmine Hamady: And then one the last one is the the [pause] that one, you know, it’s like the– 

Jon Favreau: –tongue out sort of–

Josie Totah: –tongue out– 

Jon Favreau: –crazy. 

Yasmine Hamady: Yeah. That one. 

Josie Totah: Tongue out. Tongue out the side. 

Jon Favreau: Alright. 

Josie Totah: Deranged. Just did MDMA. 

Jon Favreau: Good. 

Josie Totah: Yeah. 

Jon Favreau: That’s a good list. 

Yasmine Hamady: Well, I hope you got your answer. Thank you so much for–

Jon Favreau: You abs– uh I have I have one last question before you guys go. Um. Nicholas asks, uh what brings Josie and Yas hope and what strategies do they suggest to find community and feel less Instagram envy? Last question for you guys. 

Josie Totah: I think something that really brings us hope is getting to know the people that are not only in our generation, but that are even younger than us. You know I spoke at a school um in Brooklyn. Well I wasn’t in Brooklyn. I was on Zoom, wish I could have gone to Brooklyn. 

Yasmine Hamady: In my room. 

Josie Totah: And I met, in your room and you heard um the, what was it, the conversation that I had with them. Which was so inspiring and wonderful. Because there was all these, like ten year olds and nine year olds standing so proud and true in their identity. Um. Who are LGBTQIA+ kids. And that just made me so excited and thrilled that even when I wasn’t strong enough or I wasn’t brave enough to, like, stand in in my truth at such a young age, like seeing that more, I think, makes us hopeful. And also, I just feel like as people in this time right now, there’s this need for coming together that I think we’re seeing more than ever. And I think that has been reflected in our recent midterm election um in a minimal way, um but in a way that we saw. And I think it’s reflected in social media. I really do think people want to get along more than they don’t. 

Yasmine Hamady: Mm hmm. 

Jon Favreau: Yeah. 

Josie Totah: And–

Jon Favreau: Yeah. 

Josie Totah: That ideology gives me hope. 

Jon Favreau: That’s lovely. 

Josie Totah: And also and what was the second part? 

Jon Favreau: Um. What strategies do they suggest to find community and feel less Instagram envy? 

Yasmine Hamady: I think a bit– 

Josie Totah: –What do you think? 

Yasmine Hamady: Yeah, I think Josie you said it perfectly. I think a big one is investing in your friends that you have with you. And like I know things get busy, I know life takes a toll, but I really implore you to, you know, make that effort of just an hour of coffee, if you can, or if your friends across the country that face time and asking questions and saying like, I saw this meme, this song reminded me of you. And I also feel like the older you are, the less likely you are to build relationships. New friendships, too. 

Jon Favreau: I was just about to say that this is I’ll be the old guy talking on this one. As you get older. It’s more difficult to do– 

Yasmine Hamady: Yes. 

Jon Favreau: –that with your friends. 

Yasmine Hamady: 100%. 

Jon Favreau: Because, you know, you get married and you have kids and you’re busy at your job. But it becomes even more important to reach– 

Yasmine Hamady: I couldn’t– 

Jon Favreau: –out to those friends. 

Yasmine Hamady: –agree more. 

Jon Favreau: To to to set the time to have like a couple hours to hang out, to go out– 

Yasmine Hamady: Yeah. 

Jon Favreau: –On a Friday night. It’s super important. 

Yasmine Hamady: I mean, just as health–

Josie Totah: Put in the genuine effort and be present and also know that social media is so freaking fake. And even if you’re seeing your friend on a yacht somewhere, it you know, it might as well be a green screen. Um. Literally and [?]– 

Yasmine Hamady: No, [?] and because it is a green screen. 

Jon Favreau: Yeah. 

Yasmine Hamady: It’s all fake. 

Josie Totah: And and because it is fake. And what matters is the life that you lead and you live. And at the end of the day, when you’re six feet under or hopefully 12 feet above in a statue like I– 

Yasmine Hamady: Josie that was– 

Josie Totah: –presume to be. 

Yasmine Hamady: –incredible. That is– 

Jon Favreau: Love that.

Yasmine Hamady: –hilarious Josie. 

Jon Favreau: Love that. 

Josie Totah: You aren’t going to be regretful that you didn’t get to do the things that the people you saw on social media were doing. You’re going to be regretful that you didn’t spend time with the people in your life and the ones that you love. 

Yasmine Hamady: Yeah. 

Josie Totah: And the things that you care about. 

Jon Favreau: Well, that is a perfect place to leave it. 

Yasmine Hamady: I think we’re good right there. 

Jon Favreau: A lovely thought. Um. Josie Totah and Yasmine Hamady, thank you so much. 

Yasmine Hamady: Thank you for having us. 

Jon Favreau: This was fun. 

Yasmine Hamady: This is exciting. We should do this again. 

Jon Favreau: Yeah, anytime. 

Yasmine Hamady: Oh, my God. Incredible. 

Jon Favreau: Well, now, you guys have to– 

Josie Totah: Thank you. 

Jon Favreau: –Now you guys have to do, like, a Pod Save The World crossover with Tommy– 

Yasmine Hamady: Oh, please. 

Jon Favreau: –just to complete–

Josie Totah: Oh. We must. 

Jon Favreau: Just to comp– 

Yasmine Hamady: Dying. 

Josie Totah: We have to. We will.

Jon Favreau: And then you can talk about Iran.

Josie Totah: Done. It’s already happened. 

Yasmine Hamady: And then we can talk about Iran–

Josie Totah: [?]. 

Yasmine Hamady: –and the middle east.

Jon Favreau: Perfect. 

Yasmine Hamady: Cause everyone– 

Jon Favreau: All right. Bye, guys. Thanks.

Yasmine Hamady: Bye. [music break] So that’s our show. Um. We are so excited that this is going to be our last episode of the year. So next week we’re going to go dark. Sorry about that. You have to be with your family or whoever the fuck you want to be with and um it’s going to be really exciting. And we’re going to come back in full swing in 2023. Um. Make sure to stay tuned. Make sure to listen to us. If you’re really missing our voices, and really missing um how we look. You can watch us on YouTube if you want and just have it on loop. On constant loop. Make sure to rate us. Make sure to rate our feet specifically on Um. This is not a sponsored ad by Wikifeet. Um. Happy holidays. Give yourself love and we’ll see you guys next year. [music break]

Josie Totah: Dare We Say is a Crooked Media production. 

Yasmine Hamady: Caroline Reston is our showrunner, producer and mommy, and Ari Schwartz is our producer and show daddy. Fiona Pestana is our associate producer and Sandy Girard is the almighty executive producer. 

Josie Totah: It’s hosted and produced by me, Josie Totah. 

Yasmine Hamady: And me, Yasmine Hamady. 

Alycia Pascual-Peña: And me, Alycia Pascual-Peña. Our engineer and editor is Jordan Cantor. And Brian Vasquez is our theme music composer. Our video producers are Matt DeGroot, Narineh Melkonian and Delon Villanueva and Mia Kellman. 

Josie Totah: Lastly, thank you to Jordan Silver, Gabriela Leverette, Jesse McLean, Caroline Heywood, Shaina Hortsmann, Deisi Cruz, Danielle Jensen and Ewa Okulate for marketing the show and making us look so damn good.