Crooked Insiders | Crooked Media
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Crooked Insiders

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You’ve got an intense parasocial relationship with us. We’ve got an intense parasocial relationship with you. It’s a match made in heaven, or more specifically in Crooked Insiders, Crooked’s new program designed to get us your feedback on our podcasts and merch, while earning you exclusive and exciting perks. Help shape the content, design, and direction of Crooked Media, while enjoying the rewards that come with it as an Insider.

Here’s how you’ll do it:

  1. Get started by filling out a brief survey about your Crooked podcast preferences. What are you loving? What would you like to see more of? What complaint are you dying to voice aloud, all in the pursuit of an even better Crooked for you and for us?
  2. Once a Crooked Insider, you’ll receive exclusive invitations to share your opinion via Insider Survey on a wide range of issues, from podcast topics to t-shirt designs and everything in between.
  3. Every time you take one of those Insider Surveys, you’ll receive a special promo code to the Crooked Store as a token of our extreme appreciation. You invest in us, we invest in you, specifically in your excellent wardrobe options. 

So why wait? We want to know what matters to you, and we want you to look good doing it. Unlike the 2024 election, it’s a win-win! So become a Crooked Insider today and start making a real difference in the world of Crooked Media.

Join Now Here