Just Let the People Do It | Crooked Media
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January 16, 2018
Pod Save The People
Just Let the People Do It

In This Episode

Clint, Sam, Brittany and DeRay talk through his week’s news, and invite you to the first Pod Save the People live show in D.C. on 2/18 for Black History Month. U.S. Congressman Joe Crowley (NY-14) joins DeRay to talk DACA, TPS, and impeachment.

Show notes:

De-escalate Washington

Seattle Times: I-940 campaigners deliver signatures to Olympia, seeking easier prosecution of police in deadly force cases

Mic: What most Americans get wrong about Martin Luther King, Jr. and his legacy

Letter from Birmingham Jail

Boston Review: MLK Now

Baltimore Sun: Bail bondsman pleads guilty, admits to helping Baltimore gun task force officer resell drugs






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