We Solved Feminism! | Crooked Media
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March 07, 2019
We Solved Feminism!

In This Episode

This week Erin Ryan is joined by Megan Gailey, Naomi Ekperigin and Tien Tran to discuss all the different facets of feminism and why yelling “GIRL POWER” at things isn’t enough. Plus, America’s other soulmate Akilah Hughes fills in for Alyssa to break down the news and why Gayle King is now officially on our Hysteria Women’s History Month vision board. And as always: our Hills.

Show Notes:

Broaden your mind, feminism is more than just one thing:

What Type of Feminist (or Anti-Feminist) Are You?

“White Feminism is White Supremacy in Heels”

“How British Feminism Became Anti-Trans”

“Behind Illicit Massage Parlors Lie a Vast Crime Network and Modern Indentured Servitude”

“’Pro-lesbian’ or ‘trans-exclusionary’? Old animosities boil into public view”

The Price of Nice Nails- Sarah Maslin Nir