“The Great Impeachment Bake Off.” | Crooked Media
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December 02, 2019
Pod Save America
“The Great Impeachment Bake Off.”

In This Episode

The next phase of impeachment begins as the Judiciary Committee plans hearings, the 2020 primary is wide open with two months until Iowa, and Pete Buttigieg debates his opponents over free college.

Show notes


  • Politico: Intelligence Committee to begin circulating draft Ukraine report Monday
  • NBC News: House Intelligence Committee to vote on impeachment report
  • Politico: Dems move rapidly on impeachment with first Judiciary Committee hearing
  • WaPo: House Judiciary schedules first impeachment hearing as Trump claims he is protecting the presidency
  • Axios: House Judiciary Committee announces first impeachment hearing
  • Politico: Doug Collins wants Adam Schiff to testify before House Judiciary Committee
  • ABC News: President, lawyers should participate in impeachment hearing: Demings, McClintock
  • CNN: Trump’s impeachment choice: Defend or deflect” (11/30)
  • NYT: House Judiciary Panel Asks Trump if He Will Present Impeachment Defense
  • WaPo: Trump faces Dec. 6 deadline to say whether he’ll send lawyer to impeachment hearings
  • CBS News: Nadler gives White House deadline for deciding on impeachment hearing participation
  • WSJ: Nadler Sets Dec. 6 Deadline for White House to Participate in Impeachment Probe
  • NPR: Watergate Prosecutor On Whether Trump Should Participate In Impeachment Inquiry
  • NPR: Trump Faces Deadline As Judiciary Panel Schedules Impeachment Hearing
  • NYT: With Impeachment Inquiry in Full Swing, Public Opinion Remains Split
  • FiveThirtyEight: Do Americans Support Impeaching Trump?
  • CNN: CNN Poll: No change in views on impeachment after public hearings
  • Reuters: Net support for impeachment grew steadily during U.S. congressional hearings, poll shows
  • The Hill: Top Judiciary Democrat dismisses poll showing declining support for impeachment: ‘Our job is to follow the facts’
  • NYT: Sidelined for Months, Judiciary Panel Will Reclaim Impeachment Drive It Once Led
  • The Atlantic: The Democrats’ Next Goal for Impeachment
  • CNN: No, the new CNN poll is not good news for Donald Trump on impeachment
  • CNN: Here’s one big difference between the Trump and Nixon impeachment proceedings
  • WaPo: On impeachment of Trump, the gender gap grows wider
  • WaPo: What the latest impeachment polls really tell us
  • FiveThirtyEight: Plenty Of People Are Persuadable On Impeachment


  • WaPo: The Democratic presidential campaign has produced confusion rather than clarity 
  • WaPo: The Trailer: The electorate that Biden and Buttigieg see 
  • WaPo: How a fight over health care entangled Elizabeth Warren — and reshaped the Democratic presidential race 
  • WSJ: On ‘No Malarkey’ Tour, Joe Biden Appeals to Rural Iowans 
  • FiveThirtyEight: Our Poll Shows That Buttigieg’s Post-Debate Bump Is Still Just His Base  
  • NYT: 2020 Democratic Candidates Wage Escalating Fight (on the Merits of Fighting) 
  • CNN: Don’t understand how Biden’s still ahead? You don’t know enough older black voters. 
  • FiveThirtyEight: Can The Black Left Stop Biden?
  • The Root: Pete Buttigieg Is a Lying MF 
  • The Root: Pete Buttigieg Called Me. Here’s What Happened 
  • NYT: Pete Buttigieg Responds to Uproar Over Past Comments on Minority Students 
  • Politico: Buttigieg pushes back on criticism of his views on minority students
  • WaPo: Pete Buttigieg says being gay helps him relate to the black struggle. Some reject that notion. 
  • Politico: How Buttigieg got knocked off the Obama track 
  • CNN: AOC’s warning to Pete Buttigieg 
  • NYT: O.K., Mayor: Why 37-Year-Old Pete Buttigieg Is Attracting Boomers 
  • Politico:  Buttigieg has a serious Latino problem, too 
  • Mediaite: Bernie Sanders Pulls Ahead of Elizabeth Warren in RCP Polling Average for First Time in Months 
  • NYT – Op-Ed: The Case for Bernie 
  • AP: Sanders: Scripture calls for renewed focus on justice in US
  • CNN: Why Biden’s and Sanders’ support is steady as a rock 
  • Politico: Why Bernie’s heart attack was good for him 
  • The Atlantic: Cory Booker Blew It 
  • Politico: Super PAC backing Booker will shut down
  • Des Moines Regisiter: Elizabeth Warren responds to new Pete Buttigieg ad airing in Iowa that criticizes free college tuition for all
  • Slate: AOC Slams Buttigieg for Adopting “GOP Talking Point” in Criticizing Tuition-Free College 
  • NY Mag: Pete Buttigieg Is Worried That Free Public College Would Benefit Billionaires 
  • Huffpo: Pete Buttigieg Unveils College Affordability Plan
  • WaPo: Pete Buttigieg proposes free college for Americans earning under $100,000 in his new economic plan 
  • Slate: Moderate Democrats Should Stop Pretending That Free College Is a Giveaway to Rich Kids 
  • NYT: How Kamala Harris’s Campaign Unraveled 
  • Axios: Kamala Harris struggles to reignite presidential campaign
  • Politico: ‘No discipline. No plan. No strategy.’: Kamala Harris campaign in meltdown 
  • WaPo: Harris faces uphill climb amid questions about who she is 
  • Politico: Kamala Harris aide bolts to Bloomberg campaign 
  • NYT: They Voted Democratic. Now They Support Trump. 
  • CNN: What past impeachments tell us about Trump’s 2020 prospects 
  • WaPo: No current Democratic contender can beat Trump, billionaire BET founder says
  • Politico: Joe Sestak ends 2020 presidential bid 
  • Politico: Why the fight against disinformation, sham accounts and trolls won’t be any easier in 2020