“The Fear Olympics.” | Crooked Media
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August 02, 2021
Pod Save America
“The Fear Olympics.”

In This Episode

Democrats make another run at passing a voting rights bill, Dean of the Brown University School of Public Health Dr. Ashish Jha talks about what the latest CDC guidance and scary Covid headlines actually mean for you, and a new analysis about why we’re all so angry points to Fox News as the culprit.


Show Notes 


The Fight for Democracy

  • WaPo Opinion: Democrats still have some options to push through a voting rights bill
  • CNN: Democrats are on the verge of repeating a voting rights blunder that led to the rise of Jim Crow
  • Politico: Voting rights push reinvigorates as House Dems tee up new bill next week
  • NYT: Biden meets with top Democrats on voting rights as senators ready a scaled-back proposal.
  • Mother Jones: GOP Could Retake the House in 2022 Just by Gerrymandering Four Southern States
  • The Guardian: Republicans poised to rig the next election by gerrymandering electoral maps 
  • WaPo: Democrats can’t count on voters being mad enough about suppression to overcome it
  • Mother Jones: GOP Could Retake the House in 2022 Just by Gerrymandering Four Southern States 
  • Politico: ‘We’re f—ed’: Dems fear turnout catastrophe from GOP voting laws
  • Intelligencer: Democrats Can’t Out-Organize a Gerrymander — or Outflank Joe Manchin
  • WaPo: Newly revealed notes drag congressional Republicans into Trump’s election-subversion effort
  • NPR: Notes Show Trump Pressed The Justice Department To Declare The 2020 Election Corrupt
  • Forbes: AOC Blasts White House ‘Naivete’ On Voting Rights As Manchin Shoots Down Filibuster Carveout
  • The Hill: Manchin ‘can’t imagine’ supporting change to filibuster for voting rights NYTimes Opinion: Manchin and Sinema Have Their History Wrong 
  • The Atlantic: The Tool That Joe Biden Refuses to Use
  • ABC: Donald Trump builds war chest of $102 million entering 2nd half of 2021
  • Politico: ‘We Have a Reprieve, But We Are in the Eye of the Storm’ 
  • LATimes: News Analysis: How the Delta variant could shake up the 2022 midterm election
  • WaPo: The Trailer: Who sponsored this message? Why you’re seeing so many ads so far from the midterms. 
  • The Intercept: Democrats’ New Midterm Strategy: Knocking the GOP for Vote Against Police Funding 
  • NYT: Hooked on Trump: How the G.O.P. Still Banks on His Brand for Cash
  • Salon: Donald Trump won’t let his election fight go. Democrats shouldn’t let him 
  • Morning Consult: Biden’s the Top Democrat in Washington, but Fewer Than 1 in 5 Voters Say He Best Represents His Party 
  • NBC: Biden’s midterm strategy is taking shape. endangered Democrats want him close, for now 
  • Vox: Democrats are going it alone on immigration reform
  • National Review: Republicans Outraise Democrats in Second Quarter ahead of 2022 Midterms 
  • Slate: Does the President’s Party Still Lose the Midterms if the Other Party’s Platform Is “Our Deadly Riot Was Good”?


COVID with Dr. Jha 

  • WaPo: ‘The war has changed’: Internal CDC document urges new messaging, warns delta infections likely more severe 
  • WaPo: CDC reversal on indoor masking prompts experts to ask, ‘Where’s the data?’
  • PBS: What to know about the CDC’s delta variant study and how it affects vaccinated Americans
  • CNBC: ‘I think people are underestimating how bad this is going to get’: Dr. Ashish Jha on the delta variant
  • NBC Boston: ‘Tough Few Months Ahead,’ Doctor Warns as COVID Cases Continue to Rise
  • MSNBC: Dr. Ashish Jha: ‘We are not done, the pandemic isn’t over, and what we need to do is get more people vaccinated’
  • WaPo: Transcript: Coronavirus: Vaccines & Variants with Céline Gounder, MD, and Ashish K. Jha, MD 
  • NYT: Who Are the Unvaccinated in America? There’s No One Answer. 
  • New Yorker: Life in a Half-Vaccinated Country 
  • WaPo: Opinion: Vermont’s and South Dakota’s covid infection rates are remarkably similar — but their outcomes are not
  • Yahoo!: Dr. Ashish Jha: Companies without vaccine mandates face ‘a psychological barrier more than a legal one’
  • Yahoo: Dr. Ashish Jha asks the unvaccinated: ‘Aren’t we ready to move on from Covid?’
  • Boston.com: Do you need a booster shot for the Pfizer vaccine? Here’s what Ashish Jha said. 


Fox News to Republican pipeline

  • MotherJones: The Real Source of America’s Rising Rage 
  • MotherJones: It’s Time to Crush Fox News
  • CNN: McCarthy jokes ‘it will be hard not to hit’ Pelosi with gavel if he becomes House speaker 
  • Politico: Cawthorn vs. McKinley: Another intra-GOP spat breaks out on House floor 
  • Intelligencer: GOP Reps Flail Against House Mask Mandate by Barging Into Senate 
  • Breitbart: Republican Staffers Defy Pelosi: Maskless ‘Beer’ Pong, Cigars in Capitol Hallway
  • Mediaite: Matt Gaetz Jokes About Catching ‘The Florida Variant’ of Covid: ‘It Affects The Brain’
  • Intelligencer: Athletes Aren’t the Ones Injecting Politics Into These Olympics 
  • MediaMatters: In coverage of Simone Biles, right-wing pundits continue their attacks on Black athletes and mental health (7/30)



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