Rudy Giuliani's disinformation expo | Crooked Media
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October 21, 2020
Pod Save The World
Rudy Giuliani's disinformation expo

In This Episode

Tommy and Ben break down what we know about the connection between foreign disinformation and the latest allegations about Hunter Biden, Russia’s proposal to extend the New START treaty, Sudan getting taken off the state sponsored terrorism list, and a win for Evo Morales’ party in Bolivia. They also talk about the future of escalation between China and Taiwan, attacks on American diplomats, the White House sending officials to negotiate with the Assad regime in Syria, and a blowout electoral win for Jacinda Ardern in New Zealand. Then Belarusian journalist Hanna Liubakova joins Ben to talk about what she has seen when reporting on the anti-Lukashenko protests in Belarus and why people have been so willing to stay in the streets.


To check out Hanna Liubakova’s Twitter, click here.