“Parscale finds something new.” | Crooked Media
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July 23, 2020
Pod Save America
“Parscale finds something new.”

In This Episode

Trump replaces his campaign manager as his re-election bid hits a rough patch, Joe Biden rolls out an ambitious new climate plan, and his campaign decides whether to expand the map by competing in states like Texas and Georgia. Then Dr. Abdul El-Sayed talks to Jon about his America Dissected interview with Dr. Anthony Fauci, and his role on the Biden-Sanders health care task force.

Show Notes 


  • NYT: The White House Called a News Conference. Trump Turned It Into a Meandering Monologue
  • NYT: Trump Demotes Brad Parscale, His Campaign Manager
  • WaPo: Trump uses Rose Garden event for extended campaign-like attack on Biden
  • NBC News: Trump campaign ramps up Biden mental
  • Business Insider:  Trump broke presidential protocol by turning a standard White House press statement into a rambling, rally-like attack on Joe Biden
  • WaPo: Trump shows no interest in acknowledging, much less addressing, anti-black police violence
  • CNN: Trump leans into racist rhetoric and downplays police violence against Black Americans
  • Politico: Trump focuses on white people killed by police, defends Confederate flag
  • WaPo: Asked about police brutality against black Americans, Trump says ‘more white people’ are being killed
  • NYT: Asked About Black Americans Killed by Police, Trump Says, ‘So Are White People’
  • CNN:Former Vice President Joe Biden has opened up a 15-point lead over 
  • President Donald Trump
  • NYT: 2020 Election Updates: Polls Suggest Trump Is Losing His Edge on the Economy
  • Quinnipiac University poll
  • FiveThirtyEight – Why Trump — Not Biden — Might Have An Enthusiasm Problem 
  • WaPo: As the coronavirus crisis spins out of control, Trump issues directives — but still no clear plan
  • The Atlantic: Fauci: ‘Bizarre’ White House Behavior Only Hurts the President 

Biden Climate

  • The Hill: [VIDEO] Joe Biden delivers remarks on his economic recovery plan for working families FULL SPEECH
  • WaPo- Opinion: Joe Biden gives a big, bold, normal speech on climate change
  • Reuters: Biden climate plan would spend $2 trillion in big to boost economy
  • WaPo: Biden, in new climate plan, embraces more aggressive steps 
  • LA Times: Joe Biden sets out aggressive plan to tackle climate change 
  • The Guardian: Joe Biden unveils aggressive $2tn climate and jobs plan 
  • Reuters: Factbox: On climate, it’s Biden’s green revolution versus Trump’s war on red tape 
  • VOX: At last a climate policy platform that can unite the left
  • Politico: Trump set to unveil NEPA changes
  • WSJ: Universities Cut Oil Investments as Student Activism Builds 
  • NYT: New Data Shows an ‘Extraordinary’ Rise in U.S. Coastal Flooding 
  • Forbes: Fighting Climate Change Requires A New Capitalism
  • WaPo– Opinion: Democrats are getting ready to govern responsibly on climate change 
  • NYT: The Trump Administration Is Reversing 100 Environmental Rules. Here’s the Full List 
  • NYT: Trump’s Move Against Landmark Environmental Law Caps a Relentless Agenda 
  • AP: UN: World could hit 1.5-degree warming threshold by 2024 
  • TIME: We Can’t Solve the Climate Crisis Unless Black Lives Matter
  • LA Times: Joe Biden touts $700-billion plan to boost U.S. manufacturing
  • NYT: Intense Arctic Wildfires Set a Pollution Record
  • Climate.gov: July 2020 climate outlook has no good news for the U.S. Southwest
  • WaPo: Most Americans believe the government should do more to combat climate change, poll finds 
  • NYT: Emissions Are Surging Back as Countries and States Reopen
  • NYT: The Environmental Justice Wake-Up Call
  • VOX: House Democrats just put out the most detailed climate plan in US political history
  • House Dem’s Climate Crisis Action Plan 
  • LA Times: Before the coronavirus, Joe Biden offered stability. Now he’s talking bold change.
  • NYT: In the Shadows of America’s Smokestacks, Virus Is One More Deadly Risk
  • Pew: U.S. concern about climate change is rising, but mainly among Democrats
  • NYT: Trump Rules Would Exclude Climate Change in Infrastructure Planning 
  • Slate: Joe Biden Is Campaigning on The Green New Deal, Minus the Crazy 
  • Slate: Joe Biden Is Campaigning On The Green New Deal, Minus the Crazy 
  • WaPo-Analysis: Biden pleases some once leery liberals with new climate plan
  • Complex: AOC Drags Trump After He Calls Her ‘Not Talented in Many Ways’ 
  • Independent: ‘He is getting more progressive across the board’ Tom Steyer on getting out the climate vote for Joe Biden
  • CNBC: Biden uses progressive message to roll out his moderate economic plan
  • The Independent: AOC-led ‘climate unity’ taskforce calls on Biden to cut carbon from power sector by 2035 and install half a billion solar panels
  • Tweet Thread: Varshini Prakash on Task Force 
  • Tweet Thread: AOC on Task Force
  • NBC: Democratic task forces send Biden a progressive policy roadmap 
  • The Hill: Progressives wary as Biden talks compromise with GOP 
  • Bloomberg: Biden to Map Economic Path Delaying Progressives’ Biggest Plans
  • SF Chron: Will Bernie Sanders’ backers get behind Biden? Key endorsement vote will be a sign
  • The New Republic: Inside the Fight to Shape Biden’s Climate Policy
  • Newsweek: Biden Beats Trump on Economy in New Poll 
  • CNBC: Trump is running out of time to craft an economic agenda for reelection as Biden gains ground 
  • CNN: The 45 most incoherent lines from Donald Trump’s rambling Rose Garden Speech 
  • Donald Trump Rose Garden Transcript
  • The Hill: CNN cuts away from Trump’s ‘campaign-type’ Rose Garden speech
  • WSJ: Joe Biden’s Search for That Elusive Economic Consensus 
  • Forbes: Amid A Severe Recession, Trump’s Edge Over Biden On The Economy Has Evaporated
  • NYMag: Biden’s New Climate Plan Is Also His Stimulus Plan
  • MotherJones: Joe Biden Is Promising Progressive Policies. Who’s Going to Hold Him to It? 
  • Politico: Should Banks Be Forced to Price In Climate Change? 
  • WaPo– Opinion: Our economy is in crisis. Only one of the candidates realizes it
  • WaPo: White House-backed campaign pushes alternate career paths
  • WSJ: Biden Outlines $700 Billion Economic-Revival Plan
  • Aljazeera: Biden economic plan to back-burner big, bold progressive reforms 
  • Gallup Polling on the Environment 
  • The Atlantic: Climate Change Is a Political– Not Partisan– Story 
  • CNN: Biden opens up a 15-point lead over Trump in new national poll
  • The Hill: Trump approval at record low among battleground voters: poll 
  • CNN: Trump’s handling of the coronavirus is the only election issue that matters 
  • Reuters: Where Biden and Trump stand on key issues 
  • Yale Report: Politics and Global Warming, April 2020 
  • The Atlantic: Voters Really Care About Climate Change 
  • Gallup: Several Issues Tie as Most Important in 2020 Election 
  • Brookings-report: The challenging politics of climate change 

How big should the map be? 

  • NYT:  Georgia. Ohio. Texas. Democrats Tell Biden to Go Big (He’s Being Cautious)
  • Politico: ‘We see an opening’: Biden makes a play for Texas 
  • WaPo: Biden is advertising in Texas. That’s ominous for Trump.
  • Texas Tribune: Joe Biden to air first general-election TV ads in Texas as polls show increasingly close race against President Donald Trump
  • Dallas Morning News: Trump side calls Biden’s first Texas TV ad a ‘pipe dream’ as Dem hits him over COVID: `People are frightened… Wear a mask’
  • CNN: Texas is a swing state in 2020, new polls reveal 
  • New CBS News/YouGov polls 
  • Atlanta Journal Constitution: Trump to confront a very different Georgia with Wednesday’s visit
  • Bloomberg: Trump Courts Georgia, a Longtime GOP Bastion, and Democrats Sense Opportunity
  • USA Today: Go big or play it safe? Electoral map widens for Joe Biden and Democrats, but with risk
  • USA Today: Polls show Trump is losing to Joe Biden. They said the same thing 4 years ago against Hillary Clinton
  • Texas Tribune: Analysis: All eyes are on Texas headed into the 2020 presidential election 
  • Axe Tweet
  • Texas Tribune: Candace Valenzuela among runoff winners as Texas congressional battleground races take shape
  • NYT: By Praising Trump, Goya President Angers His Core Latino Market