“One Flew Over the Coup-Coup’s Nest.” | Crooked Media
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November 12, 2020
Pod Save America
“One Flew Over the Coup-Coup’s Nest.”

In This Episode

Donald Trump and Republican leaders are still refusing to acknowledge that Joe Biden won, the Trump campaign strategy to steal the election is failing, and a purge at the Pentagon raises concerns. Then Stacey Abrams talks to Dan about how Democrats can win in Georgia and all over the country.


Show notes



  • NPR: President Trump Makes No Remarks During Veterans Day Observance At Arlington
  • NBC News: Trump may accept results but never concede he lost, aides say 
  • ABC News: Trump won’t back down from legal war as money woes and infighting rage: Sources 
  • Axios: Trump forms PAC as he refuses to concede election 
  • Politico: Trump campaign adviser: Conceding ‘is not even in our vocabulary right now’ 
  • NYT: The Times Called Officials in Every State: No Evidence of Voter Fraud 
  • WaPo: Pence cancels Florida vacation 
  • The Hill: Pence cancels vacation in Florida: report 
  • WaPo Opinion: No, the ‘Hail Mary’ plan for Trump isn’t going to work 
  • Vox: Trump’s attempt to overturn the election result is ramping up. Here’s what comes next. 
  • Axios: The Electoral College play 
  • Vox: The 2000 election doesn’t justify Trump’s refusal to concede to Biden. Here’s why. 
  • NPR: Trump Election Lawsuits Have Mostly Failed. Here’s What They Tried 
  • WaPo: As states press forward with vote counts, Trump advisers privately express pessimism about heading off Biden’s win 
  • WaPo Analysis: Trump lawyers suffer embarrassing rebukes from judges over voter fraud claims 
  • NYT: Growing Discomfort at Law Firms Representing Trump in Election Lawsuits 
  • WaPo: Biden, planning his administration, says GOP leaders ignoring his win are ‘intimidated’ by Trump 
  • NPR: Biden Says Trump’s Refusal To Concede Won’t Impede Transition 
  • Vox: Biden: Trump’s refusal to concede is an “embarrassment” 
  • WaPo: Biden and Democrats push back against Trump and Republicans’ recalcitrance over election results 
  • WaPo: White House, escalating tensions, orders agencies to rebuff Biden transition team 
  • NYT: How Trump’s Refusal to Concede Affects Biden’s National Security Transition
  • Axios: Biden transition threatens legal action on GSA decision 
  • WaPo: These are the experts who will lead Biden’s transition at federal agencies 
  • NPR: Biden Should Be Getting Top-Level Intelligence Briefings, But He Isn’t
  • WaPo: Trump administration upends senior Pentagon ranks, installing loyalists 
  • Politico: ‘Devastating’: Top Pentagon leadership gutted as fears rise over national security 
  • NBC News: Trump loyalists given top Pentagon roles after several officials resign following Esper’s ouster 
  • CNN: Trump administration removes senior defense officials and installs loyalists, triggering alarm at Pentagon 
  • NYT: Trump Fires Mark Esper, Defense Secretary Who Opposed Use of Troops on U.S. Streets 
  • WaPo Opinion: Trump’s firing of Esper was a slap in the face 
  • WaPo Opinion: A furious behind-the-scenes battle to counter Trump’s threat to national security
  • Vox: Why Trump is suddenly replacing Pentagon officials with loyalists 
  • Axios: Scoop: Divisive Pentagon hire may rush troop withdrawals before Trump’s exit 
  • Politico: With Esper gone, Democrats concerned over what Trump will do with the military 


What’s up with the Republican Party

  • WaPo: Top Republicans back Trump’s efforts to challenge election results
  • NYT: Republicans Back Trump’s Refusal to Concede, Declining to Recognize Biden 
  • WaPo: McConnell backs Trump’s legal challenges; Biden urges Americans to wear masks to protect against the coronavirus
  • WaPo: Republicans echo Trump’s baseless election claims, undermining Biden’s transition
  • Vox: What Bill Barr’s memo and Mitch McConnell’s speech mean for the election
  • CNN: Senate Democrat says Republican colleagues are privately asking him to congratulate Biden on winning election because they can’t do so publicly 
  • NYT: Someone’s got to tell Trump he lost, but Republicans are loath to raise their hands.
  • NYT: Who’s Going to Tell Him? Republicans Shy From Asking Trump to Concede
  • WaPo: Trump threatens more damage on his way out of office, with complicity from the GOP 
  • WaPo: Fear of losing Senate majority in Georgia runoffs drives GOP embrace of Trump’s unfounded claims of election fraud 
  • Politico: ‘We need his voters’ in Georgia: Why Republicans embrace Trump’s last stand 
  • WaPo: Republicans muzzle anger over Trump’s Pentagon culling, afraid antagonizing him imperils Georgia runoff
  • FiveThirtyEight : Georgia’s Runoffs Will Determine Control Of The Senate. Here’s What We Know So Far.
  • ABC: McConnell plays long game on recognizing winner, looking to keep Senate in GOP control 
  •  Atlanta Journal Constitution – Opinion: Ga. doesn’t need baseless accusations  
  •  Politico: The GOP’s Georgia boogeyman: Chuck Schumer 
  •  Politico: Georgia Dems clamor for Obama — not Biden — to help win Senate seats
  • New Yorker – Georgia Republicans Turn Trump’s Baseless Claims of Voter Fraud Into an Electoral Strategy 
  • WaPo: Rubio stumps for Georgia Republicans, with no talk of fraud  
  • NYT: Why a Trump Loss May Be No Match for Rupert Murdoch’s Realpolitik
  • WaPo: Biden and Democrats push back against Trump and Republicans’ recalcitrance over election results 
  • WaPo: The corrupt bargain between Trump and Republicans is about to unravel 
  • WaPo: Biden behaves as the incoming president, even as Trump balks at giving up power
  • WaPo: Biden, planning his administration, says GOP leaders ignoring his win are ‘intimidated’ by Trump
  • CNN: Why the Senate is so tough for Democrats 
  • WaPo: Trump’s allies want voters to think 2020 is like 2000. It’s much more like 2016.
  • ABC: Biden opts out of Trump’s dangerous post-election game (11/11) 
  • WaPo: Biden and Democrats push back against Trump and Republicans’ recalcitrance over election results (11/10) 
  • CNN: Donald Trump doesn’t need to concede — it’s a custom, not the law (11/09) 
  • NYT: Transition Without a Concession (11/09) 
  • USA Today: Why Donald Trump isn’t Al Gore: How 2020 legal challenges to the election differ from 2000 (11/09) 
  • Vox: What if Trump refuses to concede the election?