In This Episode
Mario claims Calvi laundered Mafia money through the Vatican Bank. Nicolo contacts Mafia hitman Vincenzo Calcara, who recounts smuggling suitcases of cash from Sicily to Rome, where Calvi waited. The story is unbelievable—but it might be true. Hear this episode in Italian by subscribing to Il Banchiere di Dio wherever you get your podcasts.
Nicolo Majnoni: Friends of the Pod subscribers can listen to the full season of Shadow Kingdom right now. Join Friends of the Pod at Crooked.com/friends or on Apple podcasts.
[voice over]: Campside Media.
Nicolo Majnoni: The first thing I wanted to figure out after Mario sent me on this mission was simple. Who was God’s banker? And I had a plan. Step one, use my frequent flyer miles to fly to Rome. From there, I’d find my old Vespa, which lay dormant in my grandmother’s garage. Then I’d zip to a criminal courthouse where I’d find transcripts of a big trial Mario had told me about, A trial that happened after Calvi’s death. These transcripts would be a great primer for the Italian side of the story. Finally, I’d Vespa over to the Vatican to gaze upon the buildings where Calvi had apparently built an empire with the Vatican’s money. But. My courthouse visit did not go as planned. The clerk said my Italian lawyer ID didn’t work anymore, so I couldn’t check out the exact documents I wanted. Also, the Vatican was on lockdown for a Pope Francis event. So I pointed my Vespa away from St. Peter’s and I sped down Via della Conciliazione, a road I’d find out later that Calvi had walked before, a road that actually changed his life. But in those early days of my research, I was only after the very basics of Calvi’s life and persona. And I’m gonna be honest, Roberto Calvi is a tough guy to get to know. Even with all the books I’ve unearthed, the news footage I’ve tracked down in Italian archives, the early years of Calvi’s life are still a bit of a mystery. I do know that Roberto Calvi wasn’t born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He grew up in 1920s Milan, which was the wealthiest city in Italy at the time. But his parents were from a remote village in the Alps. Though not poor, they were certainly considered thrifty, austere. Calvi’s mom sent young Roberto to an exclusive prep school dressed in drab clothes where he actually developed a side hustle, getting paid to do rich kids’ homework. Calvi’s colleagues said he had a chip on his shoulder. As a young man, he volunteered for the Italian cavalry, hoping to raise his social status. He ended up fighting for the Axis in Russia, paralyzing three of his fingers. And when he returned home, he didn’t have a cushy job waiting for him. Calvi had to start from the bottom as a humble clerk for the local bank, the Banco Ambrosiano. These data points were easy to find. What has been more difficult for me to figure out is what kind of person Calvi was. What else motivated him? What scared him? Who were his friends? Who were his enemies? To find out more about Calvi the person, I first reached out to author Gerald Posner.
Gerald Posner: I’m an author and investigative reporter and I did a book called God’s Bankers, which is a financial history of the Vatican.
Nicolo Majnoni: And in it, he painted a picture of the kind of banker Calvi was.
Gerald Posner: There’s no question that Calvi had an unassuming presence when he met people. He may not have seemed very aggressive, but he was a domineering, take no prisoners, check every box, control freak down the line.
Nicolo Majnoni: Calvi was ambitious. He worked harder than his coworkers. He was also really smart. He was one of the only bankers at the Ambrosiano who spoke at least three languages. And he helped pioneer mutual funds in Italy before they were really a thing. By his 30s, Calvi was a manager at the bank. But he had aspirations of climbing to the very top. And this was all happening during a boom time in Italy during the 1960s. They called it the Miracolo Economico. The Economic Miracle. At the time, Italy had one of the fastest growing GDPs in the Western world.
[news clip]: Milan, a historic town which today is Italy’s richest industrial city. / Italy’s ambition to lead the world in fashions comes nearer to fulfillment every year. / More than a million people live in this growing manufacturing center. / The Fiat 600, over $200 less than the leading French and German imports. / Calculators, computers, typewriters, systems. Olivetti sells them worldwide. Information. / Italians with a passion for engines, but no money for a car. Now travel uproariously and happily on their Vespas or Lambrettas.
Nicolo Majnoni: Vespas and fiats flying off Italian assembly lines. Color TVs, Fendi, Fellini, La Dolce Vita. The economy was bouncing back from World War II. And there was a lot more money flowing generally. Money for big business deals. According to Posner, Calvi yearned for a spot in the C suites of his bank. He wanted the riches that the Miracolo Economico promised. But all of the highest positions in his bank seemed to go to Italy’s aristocrats, the Blue Bloods. His boss was literally a duke. Meanwhile, Calvi settled into middle age and the middle class. He woke up each day still dressed in drab beige clothes. After 20 years at the bank, his coworkers still snickered behind his back. They’d point out how he’d dye his hair, how he’d wear fancy hats and pretend to hold higher positions than he did. The powerlessness and the stagnancy seemed to eat at Calvi, until that is one day when he discovered someone who came from a similar background, someone who actually broke through the aristocratic ceiling to become the type of Italian banking superstar Calvi dreamed of.
[news clip]: They owned holding companies in Liechtenstein and Luxembourg, hotels in Washington, such as the Watergate complex, as well as in Paris, and banks in Italy, Switzerland, Germany and New York.
Nicolo Majnoni: Italian financier Michele Sindona. By the late 1960s, Sindona had a worldwide empire of banks and holding companies. He had regular lunches with Nixon before he was president.
Gerald Posner: Sindona was bold, he was assertive, he was doing big things in Italian finance, and he had grand ambitions. Sindona viewed himself as the king of all financiers.
Nicolo Majnoni: And Sindona, like Calvi, came from nothing. He was an outsider from dirt poor Sicily, born the same year as Calvi. Sindona was basically a human blueprint for ascending into an echelon of super wealth. And in 1969, Calvi figured out a way to meet him. And that meeting would launch Calvi into a greater financial world. Past Milan, past Italy, even beyond any earthly institution, into the heavens. But what he didn’t know was how this meeting would also drag him down into the underworld and seal his fate. [music plays] From Crooked Media and Campside Media, this is Shadow Kingdom, God’s Nanker. I’m Nicolo Majnoni and this is episode two, Our Thing.
[news clip]: A well-known Milan lawyer was murdered while investigating the bankruptcy of one of Sindona’s banks. / The only shareholder for the Vatican Bank is the Pope, no one else.
Nicolo Majnoni: It was 1969 when Roberto Calvi walked into Sindona’s white granite Milan office building. There he met a little man with thinning hair slicked back, a man with a distinct raspy voice.
[clip of Michele Sindona]: Lo ho conosciuto Calvi verso la metà degli anni sessanta—
Nicolo Majnoni: Calvi wanted to meet me, recalled Sindona, in an interview years later. I said, absolutely. Sindona sensed he could use a man like Calvi, a banker from the well-established Banco Ambrosiano. The Ambrosiano, Calvi’s bank, started as a firm for priests and was still considered to be a Catholic bank. But it had grown into one of Italy’s largest private lenders. Sindona, a free market guy told an interviewer that he was very interested in the private sector.
[clip of Michele Sindona]: Il privati italiano avrebbe potuto portare a dei risultati interessanti per veramente per l’iniziativa privata—
Nicolo Majnoni: Sindona thought the Banco Ambrosiano had a lot of room to grow. And in Calvi, he saw the potential for a great business partner. But in that meeting, Calvi made the first move. Calvi told Sindona all about his dreams to run the Ambrosiano and how he wanted to be just like Sindona. Calvi’s ambition was on full display. Right after Calvi left his office, Sindona picked up the phone and dialed.
[clip of Michele Sindona]: Lo conoscevo l’Ambrosiano. Conoscevo il suo presidente, che era Canesi.
Nicolo Majnoni: I knew Calvi’s boss, says Sindona. And so I called him to get the lowdown on Calvi. Calvi’s patrician boss picked up the phone and proceeded to tell Sindona that Calvi, he’s sort of a joke. Like, did you know Calvi’s afraid to fly? I had to hold his hand on his first flight for work. In other words, Calvi is a provincial nobody. This may have hit Sindona in a special way. Remember, Sindona was a self-made man too, overlooked by the Blue Bloods and generally ridiculed to no end by the Italian elites. Sindona put the phone down and sent word to Calvi. [music plays] Come back. I wanna see you again. As the two got to know each other and started making plans, Sindona told Calvi about an arrangement that sounded too good to be true. About six years earlier, in 1963, the new pope, Paul VI, was elected. And it took him very little time to realize that the Vatican finances were a mess. The church, though still super rich, was on the verge of losing a lot of money.
Gerald Posner: And over time, it had to figure out how to bring in money. You can sell indulgences and have people send money to the pope, but it’s hard to run a whole church based on that.
Nicolo Majnoni: According to Gerald Posner, donations were way down and the Vatican needed more liquidity. So much of the church’s wealth was tied up in artifacts and real estate. Try paying your bills with a Caravaggio. Sensing a financial opportunity, Sindona got an audience with the new pope. Posner again.
Gerald Posner: When Pope Paul VI meets with Sedona, who has a reputation for being very clever and smarter than every other banker, and a devout Catholic as well, which is very important, the Pope makes the decision himself, I’m naming you at this moment, as God’s Banker.
Nicolo Majnoni: And Sindona had his own terms.
Gerald Posner: Sindona is given essentially by Paul VI, the free reigns, which is, I don’t want to just be an investment advisor telling the Vatican where to put his money. I want the ability to actually sign for the Vatican without having to come back for an approval every time.
Nicolo Majnoni: Sindona now had the prestige and the assets of the church behind him. On a level no one else in the world had. Sindona told Calvi that’s how he became the head financial advisor to the Vatican Bank. Because, yes, the Vatican has its own bank. But unlike most big banks, Sindona didn’t answer to a board or have a slew of shareholders looking over his shoulder. He only answered to one guy.
Gerald Posner: The only shareholder for the Vatican Bank is the Pope. No one else. It doesn’t publish annual reports. If you are standing on a street corner in Rome with a suitcase filled with a million dollars, the Italian tax authorities can do something and ask you where you got the cash from. You cross the street and you’re in Vatican territory. You give that suitcase to a friendly Monsignor who has an account of the Vatican Bank. He deposits it because the Vatican Bank’s bylaws allow it to take investments in kind, in art, in gold, in cash, in whatever, and it disappears. Italian tax authorities no longer know about it. They can’t follow it. You don’t pay taxes on it.
Nicolo Majnoni: Did you catch that? The Vatican Bank, unlike any of the other banks in its vicinity, was unregulated, totally secret. Attributes that would be very appealing if you didn’t want anyone to know what you were up to. Calvi had Italian regulators to answer to at the Banco Ambrosiano, but Sindona controlled a black box right in the heart of Rome. And Calvi wanted a piece of that power.
Gerald Posner: The relationship between Calvi and Sindona started positive, but that’s because Sindona viewed himself as the king of all financiers. He was in as God’s banker, and Sindona sold confidence. It’s one of the things that he was very good at doing. And Calvi was a bit more dour, a bit less outgoing, seemed to have less magic if you met him than Sindona did.
Nicolo Majnoni: And over the next few years, the boisterous Sindona and his new brooding mentee Calvi made the Vatican a ton of money. They played the stock market. They made real estate deals. They brought modern investment banking to the sleepy Vatican bank. But, Posner says, these guys were not saints. They were opportunists.
Gerald Posner: They will help others in business so long as they can see them helping themselves.
Nicolo Majnoni: Sindona and Calvi took full advantage of their connection to the Pope. The bankers name dropped the Vatican constantly and used the reputation of the Church to secure huge loans for their own businesses. In return, the bankers came up with a plan to massively divest the Church’s investments in Italy. The new scheme funneled the Church’s money abroad, thus shielding the Church from the prying eyes of the Italian state and earned Calvian Sindona a nice profit.
Gerald Posner: They weren’t taking Vatican investments and then returning to the Vatican 10 or 15 or 20 percent a year and saying aren’t you happy with that? They were instead putting the Vatican into many offshore deals in tax haven countries that would be off the radar for the for international regulators to control the Vatican didn’t have to worry about paying taxes
Nicolo Majnoni: Calvi’s career was propelled by his Vatican connections. [music plays] In the early 70s, he was promoted multiple times. He was named General Manager of the bank, then Managing Director. The biggest newspapers in Italy called it Calvi’s arrival into society. The president of Italy made Calvi a knight of labor. Calvi was celebrating. He was making it to the top. He’d made so much money that he bought a house in the most exclusive gated community in the Bahamas. How far Calvi’d come since his days of doing homework for rich kids. Now he was the rich kid, jetting from Milan to New York to the Caribbean, going to parties with famous actresses. He’d hitched his fate to Sindona and the Catholic Church and his whole life had changed. And the wealth kept coming. But eventually, Calvi and his mentor had a falling out. Sindona got into trouble with US banking regulators after he bought a Long Island bank in 1972. Sindona needed cash to refill accounts that he shouldn’t have been spending from. He needed Calvi’s help. And the newly knighted Calvi kind of blew him off. Calvi now had offshore operations, a bunch of cash and a direct line to the Pope. So he offered Sindona a little money from the Banco Ambrosiano, but not nearly what his old mentor needed. And without Calvi’s help, that trouble that Sindona was in, it snowballed. Until—
Speaker 9 25 years in jail, a 207,000 fine. That was the sentence handed down to Michele Sindona, the Italian financier, convicted of a multi million dollar fraud—
Nicolo Majnoni: But Sindona’s downfall turned out to be Calvi’s big break. He could take over Sindona’s role with the Vatican. He alone could be God’s banker. And in doing so, he would take on some of Sindona’s most dangerous clients too. E chi erano invece questi altri personaggi che mi hai descritto?
Vincenzo Calcara: Capo della famiglia mafiosa, di tutte di questa mafia. O di altre entità che sono ancora più pericolose della mafia stessa.
Nicolo Majnoni: That’s after the break. [AD BREAK] Calvi got his wish. By the late 70s, he alone was God’s banker.
Gerald Posner: It does break right for Calvi in the sense that he’s able to market himself and his bank as a very conservative financial option.
Nicolo Majnoni: But Calvi wasn’t satisfied. He wanted the Banco Ambrosiano to keep growing and growing until it was the biggest bank in Italy, maybe Europe. Posner said Calvi was looking for shortcuts, and that meant taking on clients with a lot of money of, let’s say, questionable origin, like the mafia. This is a claim that came up multiple times in my reporting. Mario mentioned it. Reporters brought it up at Calvi’s death. Court cases tied Calvi’s mentor, Michele Sindona, to the mob and murder.
[news clip]: A well-known Milan lawyer was murdered while investigating the bankruptcy of one of Sindona’s banks, and Sindona’s name was linked to several murders believed committed by organized crime.
Nicolo Majnoni: Calvi definitely took on his mentor’s papal clients. But did he take on Sindona’s illicit clients as well? If I could prove Calvi’s ties to the mafia, that would substantiate at least part of Mario’s story. It would still be a fairly logical explanation to Calvi’s death. Calvi got tied up with the mafia. Maybe he racked up big debts. They killed him. Sad, but no big conspiracy. A resolution that would satisfy the English and Italian sides of my brain. The problem, I found, was that Calvi’s mafia ties were hard to substantiate. Everyone seemed to say he was working with the mafia.
[news clip]: Signor Calvi’s widow and son maintain that he was murdered in a plot which implicates the Vatican and the Italian Mafia / Associazioni criminali denominate vi è scritto sopra mafia Camorra. / There has been widespread conjecture that Calvi was deliberately killed, probably by the Mafia—
Nicolo Majnoni: But I couldn’t get a straight answer on what Calvi did for the mafia. So I put my Italian lawyer hat on and I went through decades of Calvi-related legal documents. There wasn’t a smoking gun, no wire transfer from John Gotti to Roberto Calvi, but there were a few leads, several names of mafia leaders or mafiosi that Sindona could have introduced Calvi to. These were members of the Sicilian mafia known as Cosa Nostra. that translates in English to our thing. They’re arguably the most organized, most deadly, most famous Italian criminal enterprise. Exactly the type of people I’d hoped to stay away from when I decided not to be a prosecutor in Italy and practice cushy, comfortable, safe corporate law instead. But here I was, spending months looking for mafiosi who might have worked with Roberto Calvi and reaching out to them. And there was one former Cosa Nostra soldier I thought might speak to me. He was mentioned in some of the court records I found, and he described Calvi in business with his mafia family. I wanted him to agree to talk with me on the record, and to prove to him just how serious I was, I needed to get on a plane to Europe. Vincenzo Calcara was a soldier for one of the most powerful mafia families, the Castell-Vitrano family. He was very close to the top boss, so he’d be privy to knowledge at the highest level of his organization. But as a soldier, I was also hoping he’d talk me through the mechanics of how the cash moved. The address he gave me was in a little town close to Italy’s border with Switzerland. It was a little apartment building that sat behind a train track overlooking the mountains. As I walked up, I was running through the questions I wanted to ask. More than anything, I wanted to know. Was it true that Roberto Calvi dealt directly with Cosa Nostra and what did he do for them? I was greeted warmly by Calcara’s daughters and sat in a living room overlooking the train station. Minutes slowly ticked by and I did my best to keep my nerves at bay. Then a 66 year old man in a three piece suit walked in.
Vincenzo Calcara: Mamma mia, che bello, quel fucile per me mi mancava proprio la collezione.
Nicolo Majnoni: Vincenzo Calcara strolled in with the swagger, the confidence of a showman. He knew the spotlight was on him and it seemed like everyone else in the room knew it too. As he gave me a once over, I felt myself shrink. He looked at my tangled hair and tattered sneakers before giving a little shrug.
Vincenzo Calcara: Tante di cose e certe regole. Okay, aspetta—
Nicolo Majnoni: As soon as he felt settled in the room, Calcara began to test me. He started telling me about beautiful guns he’d stolen, epic robberies, and initiation rituals. [speaking Italian] I could tell he wanted to see what reactions he could elicit. He wanted to control the conversation. The former mafioso leaned in to tell me about a small dog he had when he was much, much younger.
Vincenzo Calcara: Bianche. Che bello! Pure la mamma—
Nicolo Majnoni: Black with white spots, a little guy that would follow him around. But his mafia boss told him the dog was a sign of weakness.
Vincenzo Calcara: Adesso ti insegno una cosa, ricordate? i sentimenti. Cane, Cose amici, famiglia—
Nicolo Majnoni: He was testing Calcara’s dedication to the Cosa Nostra family. The boss told Calcara to get rid of the puppy. And as Calcara said this, I noticed him making a finger gun motion.
Vincenzo Calcara: —boom.
Nicolo Majnoni: Barely into our interview, Calcara was telling me how he loved and nurtured a puppy and then killed it at a moment’s notice to prove his loyalty. I’m pretty sure if you could see my face at this moment in the interview, it would have been red as I tried to force out a polite nod. Anyway. It’s at this point that I do my best to shift the conversation away from dog murder and get into why he’s willing to talk to me about Calvi. And he explained that 30 years ago, he’d been arrested for robbery, extortion, and attempted murder. And now that Calcara was out of jail, he was itching to tell his story, to relive his glory days without fear of being prosecuted again. I move the conversation on to Roberto Calvi.
Vincenzo Calcara: Dice andiamo che dobbiamo con ti faccio conoscere un banchiere dice un banchiere che è una potenza. Lo che minchia capivo? Scusami, minchia, capivo—
Nicolo Majnoni: Calcara’s boss told him he was going to meet a big banker who handled the interests of Cosa Nostra, Roberto Calvi and that he was a big deal with global influence.
Vincenzo Calcara: Mondiale. E che chi cazzo è Gesù Cristo? —
Nicolo Majnoni: Fuck. Global? Who the fuck does he think he is? Jesus Christ? Is how Calcara said he reacted. And his boss clarified that it’s fine. That Calvi should be respected. That he looked after the interests of Cosa Nostra and their money. Alright, so. Calcara confirmed that Calvi worked for Cosa Nostra and had their respect. But did Calcara have more evidence that might connect Cozonostra to Calvi’s death or even a possible motive for murder?
Vincenzo Calcara: Che Calvi deve dargli un messaggio a Messina Denaro—
Nicolo Majnoni: Like some movie gangster, Calcara answered my question with a story. Shortly after Sindona’s fall, Calcara got a big call from his mafia’s boss’s boss. They needed someone to deliver $10 million to Rome.
Vincenzo Calcara: Subito. A disposizione subito! Zio Michele, Subito! E partiamo subito!
Nicolo Majnoni: I can go immediately, Calcara told the boss. He stuffed his bags with guns and the $10 million. Then he slipped into a stolen police uniform, passed airport security, and flew from Sicily to Rome. And just like any passenger, Calcara trudged through the arrivals gate and waited for his checked bags. He sipped on a coffee, watching the porters huffing as they tried to lift his suitcases.
Vincenzo Calcara: Mazzoni di Ce tutte a centomila lire, come se fossero cento euro adesso a Mazzoni Così—
Nicolo Majnoni: Kalkara smirked. Nobody knew what he had in his bags. He nonchalantly rolled his bags outside where an unusual caravan of cars was waiting for him.
Vincenzo Calcara: Carichiamo queste valige. Io prendo la mia valigia. Le mettiamo nell’auto del Vaticano… era—
Nicolo Majnoni: He spotted a black Mercedes with diplomatic license plates from the Vatican. And out of that Mercedes stepped several priests. As Calcaro remembers, his mafia cohorts kissed the rings and cheeks of the Monsignors. With the niceties at the airport over, the mafia Vatican crew hopped into cars and made their way to a villa on the outskirts of Rome. As the cars pulled into the villa, they ground to a halt. Calcara says he got out and wheeled the million-dollar suitcases over to his boss, who took them deeper into the villa.
Vincenzo Calcara: Stavamo lì a fare la guardia con il colpo in canna pronta a sparare e ad uccidere. Che nessuno entra in questa villa. Okay.
Nicolo Majnoni: Calcara’s boss told him to stand guard. Do not let any strangers in. If anyone gives you trouble, shoot them. Calcara stood at attention, ready to kill invaders, just like he killed his dog.
Vincenzo Calcara: Roberto Calvi arriva insieme a due persone Vincenzo, tu dici tu l’hai visto que quello con le baffettini.
Nicolo Majnoni: Quiet Calvi with his bald head, thick mustache, and slight slouch approached Calcara. The mafioso let him through. Inside the villa, the mafia men talked with Calvi and the priests for several hours before they left with the suitcases to bring back to the Vatican. So now, Calcara can connect Calvi to managing the Mafia’s money. But there was more. Right before we wrapped up, as if he were reading my mind, he opened up about one last thing.
Vincenzo Calcara: E li ascolto perfettamente che parlavano di Roberto Calvi—
Nicolo Majnoni: There was a meeting, shortly before Calvi died. With the top Cosa Nostra bosses, they gathered to discuss one thing. Where the hell had all their money gone?
Vincenzo Calcara: La perdita di tutti questi investimenti a livello internazionale e a livello mondiale—
Nicolo Majnoni: Their international investments, their money had vanished, he said.
Vincenzo Calcara: Perché c’era questo dubbio? Che volontariamente si voleva fregare dei soldi o involontariamente ha sbagliato?
Nicolo Majnoni: And these mafia bosses were trying to figure out if Roberto Calvi had made an honest mistake in bad investments or if he was trying to screw them over. Whatever the outcome of that decision, this was not a good meeting for Roberto Calvi, at least according to Calcara. Also, according to Calcara, Calvi did have mafia money and he lost it. So potentially the mafia would have had the means and the motive to kill the banker. It sounded incredible, fantastical even. But the stories became more likely as I fact-checked them. Calcara’s story matched with other testimony from other mafiosi. And then I called a legendary Italian judge who prosecuted the mafia. I’m interested if Calvi knew that his bank was used for mafia money laundering.
Giuliano Turone: I could say that Calvi knew that his bank was used for money laundering.
Nicolo Majnoni: Wow, for mafia money laundering.
Giuliano Turone: For mafia money laundering. Yes.
Nicolo Majnoni: This judge was an expert at investigating elicit cash flows. And he said that Calvi was the money man for multiple mafia families. But if that’s true, what the hell had Calvi done with the mafia’s money? Calcara’s bosses wanted to know, I wanted to know. Turns out the answer to that question involves an organization even scarier, even more sinister than the mafia itself. an organization that you’ve likely never heard of, a secretive underground order that sucked millions upon millions of dollars from Roberto Calvi. That’s next time on Shadow Kingdom. [music plays]
[unidentified speakers]: The battle lines have been forming in Italy for months. Nearly 1,000 of Italy’s elite, including three cabinet members, were allegedly members of an outlawed, super secret—/ A massive explosion today in a train station in Bologna, Italy, killed at least 76 people and injured almost 200 more. / Oh, this system is completely rotten, completely corrupt, completely illegitimate, therefore it’s okay to blow up this entire building.
Nicolo Majnoni: Shadow Kingdom is a production of Crooked Media and Campside Media. It’s hosted and reported by me, Nicolo Majnoni, with additional reporting by Simona Zecchi and Joe Hawthorne. The show is written by Joe Hawthorne, Ashleyanne Krigbaum and me. Joe Hawthorne is our lead producer, and Ashleyanne Krigbaum is our managing producer. Tracey Samuelson is our story editor. Sound design, mix, and mastering by Mark McAdam. Our theme song and original score are composed by me and Mark McAdam. Our studio engineer is Yi-Wen Lai-Tremewan. Voice acting by Boni Biagini, Andrea Bianchi, Ferrante Cosma, Luca DeGennaro, Michele Teodori, and Mustafa Ziyalan. Field recording by Justin Trieger, Jonathan Zenti, Pete Shev, Jonathan Groubert and Joanna Broder. Fact checking by Zoe Sullivan. Our executive producers are me, Nicolo Majnoni. Along with Sarah Geismer, Katie Long and Alison Falzetta from Crooked Media. Dean, Adam Hoff, Matt Shaer and Vanessa Grigoriadis are the executive producers at Campside Media. [music plays] One last thing before we go. You can also listen to Shadow Kingdom in Italian. Look up Il Banchiere di Dio. The show is the same in one way, but it’s full of original reporting in Italian with unabridged versions of interviews with Italian guests. We’re really excited to tell the story in its native tongue. So please go check out Il Banchiere di Dio wherever you get your podcasts.