“Getting tense out there!” | Crooked Media
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February 24, 2020
Pod Save America
“Getting tense out there!”

In This Episode

Jon, Jon, Tommy, and Dan break down the results of the Nevada caucuses and the ensuing freakout that Bernie Sanders is now the prohibitive favorite to win the Democratic nomination.

Show notes


  • NYT: Nevada Caucuses 2020: Live Election Results 
  • WaPo: Bernie Sanders decisively wins Nevada caucuses 
  • NYT: Bernie Sanders Wins Nevada Caucuses, Strengthening His Primary Lead
  • Politico: Bernie wins again
  • Rev: Nevada Caucus Speech Transcripts: Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden, Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar Speak After Nevada Results
  • CBS News: Buttigieg campaign alleges “irregularities” in Nevada results
  • Vox: The Nevada caucuses are on track to break a voter turnout record 
  • NBC News: Sanders wins Nevada Democratic caucuses with wave of young and Latino voters
  • NPR: After The Nevada Caucuses, Bernie Sanders Is The Man To Beat
  • NBC News: It’s not just bros: Sanders wins with a diverse coalition
  • NYT: How Bernie Sanders Dominated in Nevada
  • Politico: How Bernie built a big win in Nevada
  • Vox: Joe Biden was the most popular candidate among black voters in the Nevada caucuses
  • Buzzfeed News: Joe Biden’s Betting On Voters Of Color To Win. In Nevada, He Still Lost. 
  • Politico: Biden claims comeback despite distant second finish to Sanders
  • Politico: Buttigieg slams Bernie in bid for the anti-Sanders mantle 
  • Vox: It looks like the debate may have given Elizabeth Warren a slight boost in Nevada 
  • Axios: Warren sees bump in national poll following Nevada debate
  • ABC News: Warren looks to capitalize on post debate performance momentum
  • Vox: Nevada highlighted Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar’s weakness with African American voters 
  • NBC News: Klobuchar says tough showing at Nevada caucuses ‘exceeded expectations’
  • Bloomberg: Underdog Klobuchar Scrambles in Nevada After Late Start
  • Politico: Pro-Klobuchar super PAC pumps money into Nevada and South Carolina
  • CBS News: CBS News poll: In South Carolina, Biden’s lead narrows, with Sanders and Steyer on his heels
  • Politico: Steyer will return to debate stage in South Carolina
  • NBC News: Steyer leaves Nevada on an optimistic note
  • Politico: Steyer pours money into black organizations ahead of primaries
  • The Hill: Biden, Sanders tied for first place in South Carolina: poll
  • WaPo: Steyer’s wife moves to S. Carolina for rest of 2020 campaign

Bernie Sanders

  • NYT: Democratic Primary Election Results 2020 
  • FiveThirtyEight: Latest Polls
  • FiveThirtyEight: Bernie Sanders Is The Front-Runner 
  • ABC News: Several 2020 Democrats face major cash crunch ahead of competitive primaries 
  • Associated Press:  Moderates hustle to blunt Sanders’ momentum after Nevada win
  • FiveThirtyEight: Bernie Sanders Wins Nevada — Putting Him In The Driver’s Seat To Win The Nomination 
  • Politico: Bloomberg quietly plotting brokered convention strategy
  • Business Insider: Cable news hosts and pundits freak out as Bernie Sanders looks to be running away with Nevada
  • Politico: Sanders sends Democratic establishment into panic mode
  • WaPo: As Bernie Sanders’s momentum builds, down-ballot Democrats move to distance themselves
  • The Atlantic: The Democratic Establishment Is Broken
  • Axios: Centrist Democrats beseech 2020 candidates: “Stand up to Bernie” or Trump wins
  • NYT: Russia Is Said to Be Interfering to Aid Sanders in Democratic Primaries 
  • WaPo: Bernie Sanders briefed by U.S. officials that Russia is trying to help his presidential campaign 
  • Real Clear Politics: After Nevada Win, Sanders Claims ‘Uniter’ Mantel

South Carolina

  • WaPo: Who qualified for the South Carolina Democratic debate
  • Axios: What to know about the South Carolina Democratic debate
  • CNN: Clyburn to give influential Democratic presidential endorsement days before South Carolina primary
  • Vox: The next Democratic debate is the last one before South Carolina and Super Tuesday
  • Morning Consult: Bloomberg Loses Ground Following Debate Debut in Las Vegas 
  • CBS News: CBS News poll: In South Carolina, Biden’s lead narrows, with Sanders and Steyer on his heels
  • NBC News: Biden’s South Carolina advantage shrinks among key voters 
  • NYT: Bernie Sanders, the Teflon Candidate, Faces Sudden New Tests
  • NBC News: Unstoppable? Bernie Sanders heads into South Carolina stronger than ever