In This Episode
An attack on Saudi Arabia leads to Trump saber-rattling on Iran, new allegations surface against Brett Kavanaugh, the United Nations convenes a Climate Action Summit next week, Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren avoid direct confrontation, and Crooked Media partners with Stacey Abrams to fund Fair Fight 2020. Then Politico’s Natasha Bertrand talks to Tommy about the news that the President may have used government resources to prop up his struggling hotels.
Learn more about our partnership with Fair Fight 2020 & donate: votesaveamerica.com/fairfight
Show notes:
Vote Save America x Fair Fight 2020 partnership
- Mother Jones: Civil Rights Groups Challenge Trump’s “Racially Discriminatory Scheme” to Skew Redistricting
- Politico: Florida governor seeks delay in landmark voting rights case
- HuffPo: Judge Blocks Tennessee From Imposing New Restrictions On Voter Registration Drives
- Mother Jones: North Carolina Judges Toss Out Gerrymandered Maps as Unconstitutional
- New Yorker: Stacey Abrams’s Fight for a Fair Vote
- Vox: Stacey Abrams’s fight for voting rights matters more than her political
- NYT Op-Ed: Stacey Abrams Is Playing the Long Game for Our Democracy
New Kavanaugh allegations
- NYT: News Analysis – Brett Kavanaugh Fit In With the Privileged Kids. She Did Not.
- Axios: Kavanaugh accused of new sexual misconduct claim: NYT
- HuffPo: New York Times Apologizes For Offensive Tweet About Brett Kavanaugh Allegations
- Politico: Trump stands up for Brett Kavanaugh over ‘liable’
- Vox: Brett Kavanaugh was already unpopular with voters. The new allegation could reignite opposition.
- NY Mag: New York Times, New Yorker Spar Over Kavanaugh Story
- NYT: Justice Dept. to Honor Team That Worked on Kavanaugh Confirmation Process
- WaPo: In this account of the Kavanaugh hearings, no heroes or villains — just humans
- Vox: Did Brett Kavanaugh perjure himself during his confirmation hearing? – New allegations are raising questions about whether he met the very high bar for perjury
- Vox: A year after his confirmation hearing, Brett Kavanaugh faces a new sexual misconduct allegation
- Esquire: The Kavanaugh Nomination Corrupted Everything It Touched
- NYT: Calls for Kavanaugh’s Impeachment Come Amid New Misconduct Allegations
- WaPo: Democratic candidates demand Kavanaugh impeachment after new allegation in Times piece
- Mother Jones: Democratic Presidential Candidates Are Calling for Brett Kavanaugh’s Impeachment
- Vox: Impeaching a Supreme Court justice, explained
- WaPo: Calls for Justice Kavanaugh’s impeachment are mounting. Here’s how it could work.
- WaPo: The Trailer: The 2020 field revisits the Kavanaugh fight
Covering climate now
- Columbia Journalism Review: Covering Climate Now signs on over 170 news outlets
- Reuters: Teenage activist Greta Thunberg takes climate protest to Trump
- CBS: Most Americans say climate change should be addressed
- Politico: Will media’s climate blitz take root?
- The Atlantic: The Left Has Reframed Democrats’ Climate Debate
- NPR: Climate Issues: Where 2020 Democrats Stand On The Green New Deal And More
- CNN: What happened during CNN’s climate town hall and what it means for 2020
- Time: How Climate Change in Iowa is Changing U.S. Politics
- Politico Magazine: Climate Change Could Be a Problem in 2020 … for Democrats
- FiveThirtyEight: The World Isn’t Ready For Climate Refugees
- Mother Jones: There Is an Important Climate Solution Democrats Never Talk About. But Why?
- Mother Jones: Democrats Are Afraid to Say It: Climate Change Also Means
- The Atlantic: For Voters, Does Climate … Actually Even Matter?
- Guardian: Which Democrat has the best climate crisis plan? Compare their scores
- NYT: Curbs on Methane, Potent Greenhouse Gas, to Be Relaxed in U.S.
- WaPo: Trump administration opens huge reserve in Alaska to drilling
- NYT: Major Climate Change Rules the Trump Administration Is Reversing
- NYT: White House Prepares to Revoke California’s Right to Set Tougher Pollution Rules
- NYT: Trump Inspires California Lawmakers to Go on Offense
- LA Times: Newsom plans to veto bill that would have blocked Trump’s rollback of endangered species protections
- LA Times: Water interests are fighting California’s bid to block Trump’s environmental rollbacks
- New Yorker: What If We Stopped Pretending?
- NY Mag: Jonathan Franzen’s Climate Pessimism Is Justified. His Fatalism Is Not.
- LA Times: Opinion: How to live with the climate crisis without becoming a nihilist
- Vox: The controversy over Jonathan Franzen’s climate change opinions, explained
- New York Times: “Biden and Warren Avoid Direct Conflict — But for How Long”
- Politico: “Biden allies attack Warren’s electability
- WaPo: I like Elizabeth Warren. Too bad she’s a hypocrite.
- Politico: “Andrew Yang defends random money giveaway
- Politico: “Beto O’Rourke wants action on guns, regardless of political cost”
- The Hill: “Booker defends middle-ground health care approach: ‘We’re going to fight to get there’
- Five Thirty Eight: “Who Won The Third Democratic Debate?”
- USA Today: “Biden campaign calls Julian Castro’s attack a ‘cheap shot’ as both campaign off Democratic debate feud”
- The Economist: “Can Kamala Harris recover from her slump?”
- Politico: “The Buttigieg Money Pit”
- Associated Press: “O’Rourke bets on new approach to revive flagging campaign”
- LA Times: “As the next debate nears, trailing candidates soldier on in obscurity”
- Politico: “‘He’s Like, “OK, Well, Screw It”’: Is Beto O’Rourke’s new carefree campaign a sign that he has abandoned all hope of rescuing his candidacy?”
- New York Times: “The One-Two Punch That Second-Tier Democrats Are Counting On”
- Newsweek: “Pete Buttigieg Says He Won’t ‘Order Americans’ Onto Public Insurance Like Elizabeth Warren And Bernie Sanders”
- Axios: “Beto vs. Buttigieg on gun control”
- CNN: “Buttigieg criticizes Biden’s ‘bad answer’ in the debate”
- ABC News: “No millennial bump for Buttigieg, but hints of broad appeal”
- The Hill: “Texas Democratic rep pulls Castro endorsement for Biden”
- Vox: “The Democratic debate protesters were DACA recipients”
- BuzzFeed: Opinion: Here Are The 2020 Democrats, Ranked By What They’re Doing For The Rest Of The Party