“Do us a favor, though.” (LIVE from San Jose) | Crooked Media
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September 27, 2019
Pod Save America
“Do us a favor, though.” (LIVE from San Jose)

In This Episode

Donald Trump becomes the 4th U.S. President to face impeachment as an explosive whistleblower report is released, the Director of National Intelligence testifies, and Nancy Pelosi launches a formal impeachment inquiry. Housing activist Candice Elder joins Jon, Jon, Tommy, Dan, and Jessica Yellin on stage in San Jose, California.


Show notes

High Crimes: 

  • NYT: Trump Attacks Whistle-Blower’s Sources and Alludes to Punishment for Spies
  • NYT: White House Knew of Whistle-Blower’s Allegations Soon After Trump’s Call With Ukraine Leader

The Whistleblower: 

  • WaPo: Whistleblower claimed that Trump abused his office and that White House officials tried to cover it up
  • NYT: Document: Read the Whistle-Blower Complaint
  • NYT: White House Tried to ‘Lock Down’ Ukraine Call Records, Whistle-Blower Says 
  • NYT: 8 Takeaways From the Whistle-Blower Complaint
  • Vox: 6 key takeaways from the Ukraine whistleblower complaint 
  • WaPo: 5 key takeaways and allegations from the Trump whistleblower complaint
  • Politico: Whistleblower says White House tried to ‘lock down’ Ukraine call
  • WaPo: Top Democrats accuse Trump of trying to intimidate whistleblower to obstruct justice
  • WaPo: Timeline: The alarming pattern of actions by Trump included in whistleblower allegations
  • CNN: Giuliani denies charges in whistleblower complaint, says details are ‘total nonsense’ 
  • The Atlantic: The Whistle-Blower’s Explosive Allegations
  • Politico: All the president’s loyalists: Impeachment net snares Trump’s top advisers
  • New Yorker: A Damning Whistle-Blower Report of a White House Coverup on Ukraine
  • Daily Beast: Bombshell Whistleblower Complaint Released: White House Covered Up Trump’s Ukraine Call 

 Maguire’s Testimony: 

  • WaPo: Acting intelligence chief Maguire defends his handling of whistleblower complaint in testimony before Congress
  • Politico: ‘This is unprecedented’: Intel chief defends withholding whistleblower complaint
  • Daily Beast: Trump’s Spy Chief Joseph Maguire: ‘The Whistleblower Did The Right Thing’ 
  • NYT: Joseph Maguire, Acting D.N.I., Holds His Ground 
  • WaPo: Trump’s other Ukraine problem: New concern about his business 
  • WaPo: Former Ukraine prosecutor says Hunter Biden ‘did not violate anything’ 
  • The Atlantic : The Risks of Impeachment Are Overblown – By Ron Brownstein 
  • The Atlantic: Why Republicans Aren’t Turning on Trump
  • Rolling Stone: What You Need to Know About Trump’s Crowdstrike Conspiracy Theory
  • CNN: Lewandowski may lead White House impeachment team
  • WaPo: Acting director of national intelligence threatened to resign if he couldn’t speak freely before Congress on whistleblower complaint 
  • Daily Beast: Will Joseph Maguire Be the First Hero to Emerge from Trumpland? 
  • LA Times: Acting spy chief to testify on whistleblower’s complaint 
  • CNN: Acting spy chief Joseph Maguire in spotlight ahead of House hearing on Ukraine whistleblower complaint
  • WSJ: Impeachment Inquiry Casts Spotlight on Spy Chief Joseph Maguire 
  • WaPo: Trump offered Ukrainian president Justice Dept. help in an investigation of Biden, memo shows 
  • NYT: Whistle-Blower Is Said to Allege Concerns About White House Handling of Ukraine Call 
  • Vox: The White House has shared the whistleblower’s complaint with members of Congress  
  • Axios: Rep. Chris Stewart: Whistleblower complaint has been declassified
  • Axios: Democrats ‘disturbed’ after reviewing whistleblower complaint
  • CNN: Whistleblower tentatively agrees to testify, attorneys say, as long as they get appropriate clearances to attend hearing 
  • Axios: READ: Whistleblower’s letters with lawmakers on potential meeting
  • NYT: Trump Makes Clear He’s Ready for a Fight He Has Long Anticipated – Impeachment, he insists, will be “a positive for me.” 
  • Politico: Did Trump Just Impeach Himself? 
  • WaPo: Trump’s Ukraine-scandal strategy — counterpunch, confuse and con — depends on the media 
  • Guardian: ‘No, you’re corrupt!’: why there’s method in Trump’s playground taunts 
  • BuzzFeed: Trump’s Own Lawyers Suggested Democrats Would Have A Stronger Case To Get His Records If They Were Pursuing Impeachment 
  • Politico: Trump legal team steps into a battle like none before 
  • Wapo: Seven days: Inside Trump’s frenetic response to the whistleblower complaint and the battle over impeachment
  • NPR: President Trump Says He ‘Fully Supports Transparency’ On Whistleblower Complaint
  • Slate: The White House Accidentally Sent Democrats Its Ukraine Call Talking Points NYT: The case of the White House talking points: File under “Oops.”
  • Just Security: Trump’s Call to Ukraine May Constitute “Honest Services Fraud”—A Core Crime of Public Corruption 
  • NYT: ‘Do Us a Favor’: Calls Shows Trump’s Interest in Using U.S. Power for His Gain  
  • Politico: How to read Trump’s wild phone call with Ukraine’s president 
  • Politico: Trump encourages questions to Pence about his own Ukraine calls 
  • Daily Beast: House Dems Probing April Call Between Trump and Zelensky 
  • ABC News: Ukrainians understood Biden probe was condition for Trump-Zelenskiy phone call: Ukrainian adviser 
  • HuffPo: Trump First Pressured Ukrainian President To Work With Giuliani In April Call: Report
  • Axios: Zelensky adviser says Biden case was precondition to Trump phone call
  • NYT: The Trump-Zelensky Phone Call: Key Takeaways From Two New Documents 
  • NYT: Trump’s Not-So-Excellent Day
  • NYT: Phone Call Showed Only a Slice of Trump’s Obsession With Ukraine 
  • WaPo: Where Trump’s and Giuliani’s claims about the Ukraine call don’t match the rough transcript
  • WaPo: Trump’s call with Ukrainian leader is unlike anything presidential scholars have heard before
  • WaPo: New revelations on Trump call and Giuliani make impeachment more likely 
  • WaPo Ed Board: The Trump-Zelensky readout is a devastating indictment of our president
  • Vox: Trump’s weird reference to “CrowdStrike” during the Ukraine call, briefly explained WaPo: Trump’s call with Ukraine’s president includes a key promise. But it might not be the one you think.
  • WaPo: ‘Transcripts’ of presidential calls are nearly verbatim but not exact. Here’s how the process works.
  • WaPo: There are likely no tapes — but plenty of witnesses in the rough transcript of Trump’s Ukrainian call
  • WaPo: Cracks emerge among Senate Republicans over Trump urging Ukrainian leader to investigate Biden 
  • Axios: The call heard ’round the world
  • Axios: “A classic Mafia-like shakedown”: Schiff reacts to Trump-Ukraine call
  • New Yorker: “Do Us a Favor”: The Forty-eight Hours That Sealed Trump’s Impeachment 
  • New Yorker: Trump, Impeachment, and the Democracy That Happens Between Elections
  • New Yorker: Trump Faces Impeachment 
  • The Atlantic: Trump’s Incriminating Conversation With the Ukrainian President 
  • The Atlantic: Trump Is Panicking 
  • The Atlantic: Trump’s Classic Bully Move 
  • Roll Call: Crime or ‘high crime?’ Trump’s Ukraine call spurs legal debate 
  • Vox: Trump and the Ukrainian president met today. Here’s what you missed 
  • Politico: A subdued Trump confronts a new phase of his presidency 
  • Esquire: Trump’s UN Presser Was Hilarious Until It Was Horrifying 
  • Business Insider : Ukraine’s president tells Trump to his face that he doesn’t want to be involved in US elections
  • CNN: Fact check: What Trump has been getting wrong on Biden and Ukraine 
  • WaPo: Trump says Hunter Biden ‘walks out of China with $1.5 billion.’ Biden’s lawyer said that’s not true
  • WaPo: Trump’s Pinocchio-laden claims about Joe Biden, Ukraine and polls
  • Vox: Trump just debuted his 3 main defenses against the Ukraine scandal 
  • FiveThirtyEight: If This Is Trump’s Best Case, The Ukraine Scandal Is Looking Really Bad For Him 
  • WaPo: Justice Dept. rejected investigation of Trump phone call just weeks after it began examining the matter 
  • Vox: 5 questions Attorney General William Barr should answer about Trump’s call with President Volodymyr Zelensky 
  • NYT: Justice Dept.’s Dismissal of Ukraine Call Raises New Questions About Barr
  • NBC News: Barr’s relationship with Trump called into question again by Ukraine call 
  • Politico: Trump pressed Ukraine’s president to work with Barr for dirt on Biden 
  • The Hill: Julián Castro calls on DOJ to investigate Barr after Ukraine call memo
  • Slate: William Barr Hit a New Low In His Crusade to Bury the Whistleblower Complaint
  • HuffPo: Donald Trump Actually Has 2 Whistleblowers To Worry About 


  • FiveThirtyEight: If This Is Trump’s Best Case, The Ukraine Scandal Is Looking Really Bad For Him
  • Washington Post: Why Democrats’ fear of impeaching Trump disappeared so quickly
  • NBC News: Majority of House members now back some type of impeachment action against Trump
  • Reuters: Selling impeachment: Democrats search for common message against Trump
  • NYT: White House Sends Impeachment Talking Points to Democrats, Then Tries to Recall Them
  • NYT: Why an Impeachment Inquiry Now? Democrats Cite the Clarity of the Case
  • Roll Call: Democrats focusing impeachment inquiry on Trump pressuring Ukraine
  • WaPo: Pelosi, top Democrats favor quick, narrow Trump impeachment probe focused on Ukraine
  • Politico: Democrats look to narrow impeachment focus to Trump-Ukraine scandal
  • FiveThirtyEight: Impeaching Trump On Russia Was Unpopular. Will Ukraine Be Different?
  • The Atlantic: Limit? What Limit?
  • Politico: Ice in his veins’: McConnell steers GOP through Trump’s Ukraine scandal
  • Wall Street Journal: Trump Team Bets Impeachment Will Backfire on Democrats
  • Politico: Vulnerable Democrats fear impeachment messaging stumbles
  • Politico: Democrats fear impeachment blowback in 2020
  • NPR: Impeachment Has Never Been Very Popular, But That Hasn’t Stopped Congress Before
  • NPR: Biden Blasts Trump As A President Who ‘Believes He Is Above The Law’
  • CSPAN: Joe Biden Comments to Reporters on Whistleblower Complaint 
  • Mother Jones: Joe Biden Says Congress Should Impeach Trump If He Doesn’t Hand Over Whistleblower’s Report
  • NYT: For Joe Biden, Trump Impeachment Inquiry Brings a Long-Expected Test
  • Media Matters: “Debunking lies about Trump, Biden, Ukraine, and the whistleblower
  • WaPo: Impeachment will define the 2020 election
  • NYT: Elated, Furious, Wary: Impeachment Divides Voters, Like Everything Trump
  • Reuters: Be careful what you wish for: Impeachment inquiry poses risks for 2020 Democrats
  • NYT: 2020 Democrats Say Trump’s Ukraine Call Is a ‘Smoking Gun’ for Impeachment
  • The Hill: Tulsi Gabbard: Transcript doesn’t show ‘compelling’ case for impeachment
  • LA Times: Democratic candidates back impeachment inquiry — and a GOP challenger accuses Trump of treason
  • Lawfare: What Powers Does a Formal Impeachment Inquiry Give the House?