In This Episode
On Episode 12 of X-Ray Vision, Jason Concepcion & Rosie Knight jazzercise with She-Hulk! In the Airlock (0:02:09) Jason and Rosie dive deep (deeeeep) into the lore around the biggest announcements from the first annual Disney+ Day, including Moon Knight, She-Hulk, and Ms. Marvel. For the Omnibus, (0:49:42) Jason details the background and history of the character Moon Knight; in The Hive Mind (1:09:38), Jason is joined by writer and podcaster Preeti Chhibber for a spoiler-free primer on The Wheel of Time book series by Robert Jordan, the upcoming Amazon TV show (premiering November 19th), and how WoT is different (in a good way) from Game of Thrones. Finally, in The Endgame (1:28:34), Jason and Rosie play Assembly Required, picking a character from Marvel’s Disney+ Day releases for a randomly assigned mission (Hint: you can pick up some Swedish meatballs where we’re going). Use #XRVEndgame & let us know what you think of their choices!
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Preeti’s Tar Valon or Bust podcast & Wheel of Time Review
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The Listener’s Guide for all things X-Ray Vision!
Moon Knight by Lemire & Smallwood – The collected volumes of Jeff Lemire & Greg Smallwood’s run on Moon Knight in which Marc Spector finds himself trapped in an insane asylum. Available on Marvel Unlimited.
Patsy Walker, AKA Hellcat – Written by Kate Leth and illustrated by Brittney L. Williams, this 17 issue series started in 2015 and follows Walker after her comeback from hell and starting a super-folk temp agency. Available on Marvel Unlimited.
Ms. Marvel (2015-2019) – Written by G. Willow Wilson & drawn by Adrian Alphona with tremendous creative input from Marvel editors Sana Amanat & Stephen Wacker and assistance from Jamie McKelvie. The series garnered critical acclaim and won a Hugo Award in 2015. Available on Marvel Unlimited.
See Wakanda & Die – Set during Secret Invasion and written by Jason Aaron with art by Jefte Palo, all about how the skrull invasion very much does NOT go to plan once they hit Wakanda. Available on Marvel Unlimited.
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