“Democracy or the Filibuster.” (with Alyssa Mastromonaco!) | Crooked Media
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March 18, 2021
Pod Save America
“Democracy or the Filibuster.” (with Alyssa Mastromonaco!)

In This Episode

Jason Concepcion joins to talk about the Atlanta shooting and anti-Asian racism. Then Jon and Alyssa discuss Joe Biden coming out as filibuster reform-curious, Republicans playing politics with children at the border, and dig into the mailbag to answer some questions.

Show notes


Biden vs. the Filibuster 

  • ABC News: Biden says he supports reforming Senate filibuster in ABC News exclusive interview 
  • NYT: Biden Endorses Filibuster Rule Changes 
  • NBC News: In a shift, Joe Biden endorses a ‘talking filibuster’ to change Senate rules
  • Politico: Biden open to bringing back talking filibuster
  • WaPo: Biden, for the first time, says he wants to overhaul the filibuster
  • WaPo: Opinion: Biden just fired a warning shot at Mitch McConnell and Republicans 
  • Politico: Biden’s foray into filibuster fight leaves liberals no closer to victory 
  • Vox: Biden’s plan for a “talking filibuster,” briefly explained 
  • WaPo: The talking filibuster — and its limits – Analysis
  • Bloomberg Op-Ed: There’s No Half-Way to End the Filibuster
  • Vox: Joe Manchin just took an important filibuster reform off the table 
  • CNN: Senate Democrats plot new effort to gut filibuster but lack votes for major overhaul
  • Bloomberg: Voting Rights Fight Emerges as Key to Filibuster Overhaul
  • HuffPo: 43 New Groups Join Anti-Filibuster Coalition As Reform Push Accelerates 
  • AP: McConnell vows ‘scorched earth’ if Senate ends filibuster 
  • LA Times: Biden backs changes to filibuster; GOP vows ‘scorched earth’
  • NYT: Biden endorses modifying filibuster rule, as McConnell warns of ‘scorched earth Senate’ if it’s changed.
  • CNN: Mitch McConnell warns Democrats that overhauling filibuster rules will lead to ‘completely scorched earth Senate’
  • Axios: McConnell warns of GOP retribution if Democrats eliminate filibuster
  • Maddow Blog: Why McConnell’s ‘scorched earth’ threat over filibusters matters 
  • NY Mag: Republicans: End the Filibuster, and We’ll Punish America by Enacting Our Agenda 
  • NBC News – Op-Ed: Scorched-earth Senate filibuster threat from McConnell needs to be tested


Immigration and the Border

  • CBS News: More than 13,000 migrant children in U.S. custody, sources say 
  • NBC News: Southwest border crossings on pace for highest levels in 20 years, Biden admin says
  • ABC News: Biden tells migrants ‘don’t come over’ in ABC News exclusive interview
  • CNN: Biden tells migrants not to come to US: ‘Don’t leave your town’ 
  • ABC News: Child border crossings surging, straining US facilities 
  • Reuters: U.S. facing biggest migrant surge in 20 years: Homeland Security
  • LA Times: Surge of migrant families and youths overwhelms Border Patrol in Texas
  • Vox: The growing number of children in custody on the US-Mexico border, explained
  • NBC News: Biden administration limits what Border Patrol can share with media about migrant surge at border 
  • NYT: Surge in Migrants Defies Easy or Quick Solutions for Biden
  • WaPo: Biden does not plan to travel to border amid migrant surge 
  • CNN: Biden is boxed in on immigration as migrant children crisis continues 
  • Politico: Biden has options for the border. They’re just politically painful.
  • WaPo: Biden will deploy FEMA to care for teenagers and children crossing border in record numbers 
  • Reuters: ANALYSIS-Facing critics, Biden boxed in with few options for influx of migrant children 
  • LA Times: Yes, there is a rise in child migration. But is there a ‘crisis’ at the southern border?
  • Pew Research: Migrant apprehensions at U.S.-Mexico border are surging again 
  • Vox: The 2014 Central American migrant crisis 
  • Vox: Republicans revive one of Trump’s most notorious immigration lies 
  • Politico: Republicans take Trump’s playbook to the border
  • Reuters: Republicans’ hostility grows toward illegal immigrants as party attacks Biden on border
  • The Hill: House Republicans offer rebuttal to Biden immigration plan
  • CNN: GOP targets “Biden border crisis” in new ad campaign aimed at battleground districts 
  • WaPo Analysis: The perfect Republican policy argument: Imagine a terrorist immigrant who votes illegally
  • WaPo: Biden faces growing political threat from border upheaval
  • WaPo: Migrants are not overrunning U.S. border towns, despite the political rhetoric 
  • Reuters: Republican message on Biden border ‘crisis’ draws fire from Democrats 
  • Politico: Texas lawmaker: Biden administration didn’t cause influx of migrants at border 
  • Politico: Fears of a border crisis fuel tension in Congress
  • The Hill: Border surge puts Democratic push for immigration reform on shaky ground
  • AP: Leading Senate Dem says outlook bleak on immigration bills 
  • CNN: Border crisis stymies Congress as GOP bashes Biden and Democrats spar internally over immigration strategy 
  • The Hill: Democrats move smaller immigration bills while eyeing broad overhaul 
  • NYT: House Tackles Biden’s Immigration Plans Amid Migrant Influx
  • Axios: Border Democrat warns Biden about immigrant fallout



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