“Can Youngkin escape Trump’s taint?” | Crooked Media
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November 02, 2021
Pod Save America
“Can Youngkin escape Trump’s taint?”

In This Episode

Joe Biden tries to rally the world to save the planet while Joe Manchin is still holding up his climate agenda back home, Donald Trump wades into the final days of the Virginia gubernatorial contest, and NYU Law Professor Melissa Murray joins to talk about today’s Supreme Court oral arguments over the Texas abortion law.


Show Notes



  • Axios: Biden apologizes at climate summit for Trump’s Paris accord withdrawal 
  • Axios: Biden urges world to “answer history’s call” at COP26 
  • Politico: Biden underscores commitment to climate action in Glasgow 
  • Washington Post: Biden to ask Congress to set aside $3 billion for climate adaptation
  • The Hill: Biden apologizes for US withdrawing from Paris deal under Trump
  • NY Times: Manchin Refuses to Endorse Safety Net Bill, Dampening Hopes of a Quick Vote 
  • NY Mag: Joe Manchin Is Actually Right About Fixing Biden’s Plan Democrats can’t half-fund social programs 
  • CNN: Manchin warns he may vote against Biden social safety net plan as he criticizes key aspects
  • Psaki Statement: Statement by Press Secretary Jen Psaki on Build Back Better 
  • Politico: ‘They’re probably going to put us back in power’: GOP basks in Dem discord 
  • WSJ: Manchin Reiterates Concerns About Democrats’ Social-Spending, Climate Bill 
  • CNN: Sanders: All Democrat senators need to agree on framework of economic bill before House vote
  • The Hill: Biden expresses confidence domestic agenda will pass by end of week 
  • Daily Beast: The New Challenge for Democrats: Sucking Up a $2 Trillion Cut While Smiling 
  • Politico: Don’t count on Tuesday
  • ABC: Big, messy, complicated: Biden’s plan churns in Congress 
  • NBC News: Biden’s job rating sinks to 42 percent in NBC News poll a year from midterms 
  • Axios: Biden’s Trump-like poll numbers
  • Slate: Biden’s Favorability Rating Is Looking a Lot Like Trump’s 
  • Five Thirty-Eight: How unpopular is Joe Biden? 
  • Washington Post: Nearly 4 in 10 who say election was stolen from Trump say violence might be needed to save America
  • The Hill: More Democrats in new poll want someone other than Biden as party’s presidential nominee 
  • The Hill: Only 35 percent say US economy doing well: poll 



  • NYT: In the Final Days Before Virginia Votes, Both Sides Claim Momentum 
  • WaPo: Virginia went big for Biden, but on eve of another pivotal election, many voters say Democrats have not delivered for them
  • WaPo: Before recent Democratic gains, Virginia went from blue to red and back again
  • FiveThirtyEight: Who’s ahead in the Virginia governor’s race? 
  • CNN: Why Democrats are in a lot of trouble in Virginia 
  • AP: Virginia GOP sees Youngkin as chance to reverse party course
  • Politico: The suburban Virginia block that explains how Democrats might be about to blow it
  • Politico: On election eve, Trump touts ties with Youngkin
  • Vice: Lincoln Project Posed as Charlottesville White Supremacists at GOP Event 
  • NYT: As Youngkin Tries to Finesse Trump, McAuliffe Conjures His Comeback 
  • CNN: Republican voters cut Youngkin some slack as he walks tightrope on Trump 
  • NY Mag – If McAuliffe Loses to Youngkin, Don’t Blame Princess Blanding 


SCOTUS with Melissa Murray

  • Politico: 5 questions when the Supreme Court takes up the Texas abortion law
  • CNN: Supreme Court hears oral arguments on Texas abortion law 
  • NBC: Live audio: Supreme Court hears challenges to Texas abortion law 
  • FiveThirtyEight: Why The Supreme Court Might Overturn Texas’s Abortion Law 
  • NYT: In Texas Abortion Law Case, a Spotlight on Brett Kavanaugh 
  • NYT op-ed: It’s Amy Coney Barrett’s Supreme Court Now
  • AP: Speed of Texas abortion cases has few high court precedents
  • WaPo op-ed: ‘No decision of this Court is safe’: What’s at stake in the Texas abortion case
  • SCOTUSBlog Case Preview: Supreme Court set to hear arguments in two challenges to Texas law that bans most abortions
  • Axios: Study: Abortions in Texas dropped by half in month after ban took effect 
  • NPR: NAACP urges pro athletes not to sign with Texas teams over voting and abortion laws 
  • MotherJones: Supreme Court Will Consider Limiting EPA’s Power to Regulate Greenhouse Gases 
  • SCOTUS Blog: Justices agree to review EPA’s authority to regulate greenhouse gases
  • WaPo: Supreme Court will hear cases that could undercut Biden’s goals on climate, immigration



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