Breaking down the Baghdadi raid | Crooked Media
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November 06, 2019
Pod Save The World
Breaking down the Baghdadi raid

In This Episode

Tommy and Ben discuss what the death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi means for ISIS as well as Trump’s strange lie about Baghdadi’s “whimpering” demise. Then they cover the Paris Climate Agreement and the future of climate activism, Iran’s increased nuclear activity and use of hostages as a foreign policy strategy, and protests in Chile and Iraq. Later they shout about Mike Pompeo, discuss the House resolution on Armenian Genocide, the Uighurs, bad guys hacking WhatsApp, and Rudy Giuliani, butt dialing cyber security czar. Then America Dissected host Dr. Abdul El-Sayed joins to discuss Ebola, superbugs, and how trust in government is key to global public health.

Show notes

  • WaPo: “Iran’s hostage factory”
  • NYT: “Iraqis Rise Against a Reviled Occupier: Iran”
  • NYT: “Pompeo Faces Political Peril and Diplomats’ Revolt in Impeachment Inquiry”
  • WaPo: “In China, every day is Kristallnacht”