In This Episode
Barr’s summary hasn’t moved public opinion, Democrats haul out the subpoena cannon, Trump returns to demagoguing immigrants, Mulvaney’s political instincts are awful, and all the latest 2020 news. Then Planned Parenthood President Dr. Leana Wen talks to Jon Lovett about the latest legal assault on women’s health.
Show Notes:
A presidency reset
- NBC News: Most Americans don’t think Trump is in the clear yet on Russia, new poll finds
- The Washington Post: Most Republicans feel satisfied with Mueller conclusions, while most Democrats are disappointed
- CNN: CNN Poll: Majority says Trump not exonerated of collusion after Barr’s summary
- The Atlantic: Inside Trump’s Strategy to Use Mueller on the Campaign Trail
- The Boston Globe: Here’s the Schiff’s Notes version of the Trump-Russia saga (transcript of Schiff’s statement)
- Talking Points Memo: Trump Campaign Fundraising Off ‘Pencil-Neck’ Adam Schiff T-Shirts
- The Independent: Mueller report: Trump and Republicans target Adam Schiff as new villainThe Daily Caller: TREY GOWDY: CIA MAY STOP GIVING ADAM SCHIFF INFORMATION BECAUSE HE LEAKS ‘LIKE A SCREEN DOOR ON A SUBMARINE’
- Gallup: Subgroup Differences in Trump Approval Mostly Party-Based
- FiveThirtyEight: Trump’s Approval Rating Is Incredibly Steady. Is That Weird Or The New Normal?
- Washington Post: Trump White House presses threat to close U.S.-Mexico border this week
- Washington Post: Trump plans to cut U.S. aid to 3 Central American countries in fight over U.S.-bound migrants
- Politico: Democrats fume as Trump cuts Central American aid
- Slate: White House Insists Trump Is Serious About Closing Border as Some Wonder if It’s Even Possible
- Axios: Trump’s post-Mueller policy wars
- Washington Post: [Economic consequences of closing the border]
- The New York Times: Trump Administration Defends Plan to Close the Border, Telling Democrats, ‘We Told You So’
- Vox: Trump can’t stop people from coming into the US without papers
- Washington Post: Trump’s threat to close the U.S.-Mexico border sounds like this 1969 Nixon operation
- Vox: What officials can do: slow down or stop legal border crossings to redirect staff to care for unauthorized migrants
- The New York Times: Trump Turns U.S. Policy in Central America on Its Head
- Mother Jones [March 15]: Trump and His Allies Have Lost the Public Debate Over Immigration
- Washington Post: With social program fights, some Republicans fear being seen as the party of the 1 percent
- New York Times: The Mick Mulvaney Presidency
- Washington Post: For Trump’s ‘Party of Healthcare,’ there is no health-care plan
- The Fiscal Times: Why Republicans Can’t Be ‘the Party of Health Care’
- ThinkProgress: Donald Trump’s ‘party of health care’ has spent a decade failing to repeal and replace Obamacare
- New York Times: After Trump Casts Blame for a Special Olympics Cut, Betsy DeVos Flashes Pique
- CNN: WH budget office, not DeVos, pushed for proposed Special Olympics cuts, official says
- Washington Post: [Mulvaney’s OMB Director Russell Vought]
- The Hill: Top White House aide: Trump decided to fund Special Olympics because ‘the public wanted’ it
- The New York Times: Democrats Pivot Hard to Health Care After Trump Moves to Strike Down Affordable Care Act
- NPR: After Mueller Report Memo, Democrats Turn To Health Care — For Now
- Slate: The Administration Is Handing Its Enemies Tools to Topple Trump the Usual Way
- Washington Examiner: Elizabeth Warren’s finance director leaving 2020 campaign after disagreement over donors
- The Cut: Lucy Flores: An Awkward Kiss Changed How I Saw Joe Biden
- The New York Times: Who Is Lucy Flores, the Woman Accusing Joe Biden of Kissing Her?
- The New York Times: Joe Biden Says He Did Not Act Inappropriately with Lucy Flores
- CNN: Flores: Politics was ‘impetus’ for Biden allegation
- Politico: Ex-Defense secretary’s wife says photo of her with Biden misleading
- CNN: Elizabeth Warren says Joe Biden needs to give an answer for allegation of inappropriate touching
- Time: Joe Biden Says He Regrets Not Giving Anita Hill the ‘Hearing She Deserved’
- The Cut: Did Joe Biden Forget He Was There for the Anita Hill Testimony?
- Vox: The Joe Biden and Anita Hill controversy, explained
- The New York Times: When Joe Biden Voted to Let States Overturn Roe v. Wade
- Rebecca Traister: Joe Biden Isn’t the Answer
- The New York Times: Beto O’Rourke, Praising Immigration, Kicks Off Presidential Campaign in El Paso
- Associated Press: O’Rourke champions US-Mexico border during Texas kickoff
- The Washington Post: With a bilingual call for unity, Beto O’Rourke formally joins the Democratic presidential contest
- The New York Times: Beto O’Rourke Hires Former Obama Aide as Campaign Manager
- Los Angeles Times: Beto O’Rourke formally launches 2020 campaign, but where does the hoopla go from here?
- Associated Press: Beto O’Rourke Hires Iowa Caucus Architect as State Tactician
- The New York Times: Amy Klobuchar Proposes $1 Trillion Infrastructure Plan
- ABC News: Sen. Amy Klobuchar says President Donald Trump is all talk on infrastructure, but she vows to ‘get it done,’ if elected
- Des Moines Register: EXCLUSIVE: Elizabeth Warren lays out plan to target corporate agriculture, support family farms
- Mother Jones: Warren and Sanders are Talking Tough About Corporate Control of Food
- Elizabeth Warren: ‘No Foreign Country Should Be Able To Purchase Farmland In America’
- Washington Post: Beto, Biden and Bernie: The B-Boys and the media’s dangerous, self-fulfilling prophecy
- Refinery29: Elizabeth Warren Is A Policy Heavyweight. The Media Is More Interested In Rockstars.
Dr. Leana Wen
- Wisconsin Gazette: Dr. Leana Wen – Planned Parenthood & Fighting the Politicization of Health Care | The Daily Show
- Rolling Stone: Dr. Leana Wen Wants to Tackle the Ills in the Health Care System
- InStyle: Planned Parenthood’s President Says It’s “Terrifying” How Health Care Has Become Political
- Dallas Observer: With Abortion Rights On the Brink, Planned Parenthood Stays Focused
- USA Today: The Trump administration’s latest attack on health care hurts all Americans: Today’s talker