In This Episode
Another white nationalist targets a synagogue in California, voters believe Trump is guilty of obstruction but aren’t ready for impeachment, and Beto O’Rourke rolls out the first detailed climate plan of the 2020 campaign. Then former Obama pollster Cornell Belcher talks to Jon F. about the state of the race, and what Democratic voters are looking for. Also – Pod Save America is going on tour! Get your tickets now: crooked.com/events.
Show Notes:
Right wing violence on the rise
- New York Times: One Dead in Synagogue Shooting Near San Diego; Officials Call It Hate Crime – LOS ANGELES
- Sacramento Bee: Police: Sunnyvale crash suspect Isaiah Peoples targeted pedestrians he thought were Muslims
- Washington Post: A car barreled into eight people in California. Police say the driver was targeting Muslims.
- Los Angeles Times: Before California synagogue shooting, suspect may have set mosque on fire
- Los Angeles Times: Woman died jumping in front of rabbi during California synagogue shooting
- Los Angeles Times: Family of young girl wounded in synagogue shooting had run-in with anti-Semitic crime in 2015
- San Diego Union Tribune: Injured rabbi recounts ‘indescribable’ synagogue shooting, responds with message of strength and hope
- San Diego Union Tribune: Shooting victim recalled as a generous friend, deeply protective of her faith
- New York Times: ‘Terror Will Not Win,’ Says Rabbi Injured in Synagogue Shooting
- NBC News: Anti-Semitic open letter posted online under name of Chabad synagogue shooting suspect
- CNN: Deadly shooting at California synagogue
- NPR: Poway Shooting Latest In Series of Attacks On Places Of Worship
- The Intercept: Our Enemies Are the Same People: San Diego Synagogue Shooter Inspired by New Zealand Anti-Muslim Massacre
- CNN: New York Times says it is ‘deeply sorry’ for running anti-Semitic cartoon
- New York Times: A Despicable Cartoon in The Times – Op-Ed
- Think Progress: Louie Gohmert blames synagogue shooting on non-binding House resolution
- The Intercept: Six GOP House Members Who Need to Resign for Anti-Semitism Before Ilhan Omar
- Mediaite: Rep. Ilhan Omar Calls for Nation to ‘Confront the Terrifying Rise of Religious Hate’ After CA Synagogue Shooting
- New York Times: Mass Shootings Have Become a Sickening Meme
- Politico: Leaders struggle to make sense of fatal attack on synagogue
- Anti-Defamation League: Gab and 8chan: Home to Terrorist Plots Hiding in Plain Sight
- Motherboard: Why Won’t Twitter Treat White Supremacy Like ISIS? Because It Would Mean Banning Some Republican Politicians Too.
- The Verge: Why Twitter has been slow to ban white nationalists
- Washington Post: Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey called Rep. Ilhan Omar after Trump’s tweet sparked a flood of death threats
- New Yorker: Jack Dorsey’s TED Interview and the End of an Era
- Vox: Trump denounces anti-Semitism one day after defending Charlottesville marchers
- Politico: Kellyanne Conway: Trump ‘condemned’ white nationalism after Charlottesville
- NBC News: Conway: Trump’s Charlottesville remarks ‘darn near perfection’
- CNN: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Kellyanne Conway spar on Twitter over AOC’s response to Sri Lanka attacks
- The Guardian: Trump’s record on white nationalism under new scrutiny after synagogue shooting
- New York Times: Trump Repeats a False Claim That Doctors ‘Execute’ Newborns
- Think Progress: Trump’s anti-abortion rhetoric is getting out of control
- The Atlantic: The NRA Convention Is Trump’s Happy Place
- Chicago Tribune: Trump tells NRA he’ll fight for gun rights: ‘You better get out there and vote’
- Washington Post: Trump tells NRA he’s withdrawing from arms trade treaty
- New York Times: Trump Pulls Out of Arms Treaty During Speech at N.R.A. Convention
- Daily Beast: Paranoid Trump Tells NRA He ‘Caught’ Coup Plotters: ‘I Didn’t Need a Gun’
- Politico: Trump supports gun rights, but even he sees limits
- Washington Post: Harris promises to impose new gun rules if Congress won’t
- Politico: Kamala Harris proposes major executive actions to crack down on guns
- USA Today: Kamala Harris owns a handgun. That’s disqualifying for a 2020 Democrat in my book.
- Washington Post: As turmoil rocks NRA meeting, attendees back a group under pressure from all sides
- New York Times: N.R.A. President to Step Down as New York Attorney General Investigates
Trump investigations
- Washington Post: A majority of Americans oppose impeachment. Most also say Trump lied to the public
- ABC News: 31% believe Trump is exonerated after Mueller report, 56% oppose impeachment: Poll
- Vox: Most Americans believe Trump lied to them, but think impeachment is a bad idea
- New York Times: House Democrats Feel Little Pressure From Voters to Impeach Trump – IRVINE, Calif.
- Axios: Sally Yates: If Trump weren’t president, he would be indicted on obstruction
- CBS: Graham says Trump, unlike Bill Clinton, “did nothing wrong” to warrant impeachment
- New York Times: The Danger in Not Impeaching Trump – Op-Ed
- Washington Post: Graham challenges Kushner’s bid to downplay Russia interference
- Washington Post: Attorney general may withdraw from Mueller report hearing over terms of his testimony, House Democrats say
- New York Times: Barr Threatens Not to Testify Before House, but Democrats May Subpoena Him
- CNN: Barr’s appearance at House hearing still up in the air because of dispute with Democrats
- The Atlantic: The Complicated Friendship of Robert Mueller and William Barr
- CNN: William Barr decried ‘hatchet jobs’ on Ken Starr in 1998
- Time: WILLIAM BARR – By Rod Rosenstein
- Washington Post: ‘I can land the plane’: How Rosenstein tried to mollify Trump, protect Mueller and save his job
- Washington Post: White House approves ex-official’s testimony after contempt threat
- Washington Post: Trump’s attempt to strong-arm Congress is actually a sign of his weakness – Analysis
- Washington Post: Trump views the Supreme Court as an ally, sowing doubt about its independence among his critics
- Washington Post: Trump renews vow to repeal Affordable Care Act weeks after GOP leaders urge caution on the issue
- Washington Post: Biden holds a slight advantage over nearest 2020 rival, but Democrats are far from making a decision
- Washington Post: Joe Biden campaign reports raising $6.3 million in 24 hours
- Politico: Biden crushes it in first-day fundraising: $6.3 million
- Washington Post: The Trailer: A key part of the Democratic base rejects the argument for Biden
- New York Times: Biden and Obama’s ‘Odd Couple’ Relationship Aged Into Family Ties
- New York Times: Joe Biden Called Heather Heyer’s Mother After Campaign Video Debut
- New York Times: In Pennsylvania, Joe Biden Finds Support Where He Most Needs It
- New York Times: How Does Joe Biden Fit Into a Changing Democratic Party?
- New York Times: Joe Biden Expresses Regret to Anita Hill, but She Says ‘I’m Sorry’ Is Not Enough
- New Yorker: What Joe Biden Hasn’t Owned up to About Anita Hill
- Vox: Joe Biden wins some early Congressional support, but former colleagues see challenges ahead
- CNN: Democrats are more moderate on health care than you think
- Washington Post: Beto O’Rourke switches his style and tone as the spotlight dims
- Washington Post: New EPA document tells communities to brace for climate change impacts
- Washington Post: Math favors Senate Democrats in 2020, but geography gives GOP the advantage
- New York Times: Why Stacey Abrams is still saying she won
- Politico: Dems sweat Trump’s economy: ‘We don’t really have a robust national message right now’.
- New York Times: Pete Buttigieg Swears Off the Lobbyist Money He Once Accepted
- Politico: Warren puts Bernie on defense
Cornell Belcher
- Washington Post: A majority of Americans oppose impeachment. Most also say Trump lied to the public
- ABC News: 31% believe Trump is exonerated after Mueller report, 56% oppose impeachment: Poll
- Vox: Most Americans believe Trump lied to them, but think impeachment is a bad idea
- Washington Post: Biden holds a slight advantage over nearest 2020 rival, but Democrats are far from making a decision
- Washington Post: Joe Biden campaign reports raising $6.3 million in 24 hours
- Politico: Biden crushes it in first-day fundraising: $6.3 million
- New York Times: How Does Joe Biden Fit Into a Changing Democratic Party?
- New York Times: Joe Biden Expresses Regret to Anita Hill, but She Says ‘I’m Sorry’ Is Not Enough
- Vox: Joe Biden wins some early Congressional support, but former colleagues see challenges ahead
- CNN: Democrats are more moderate on health care than you think
- Washington Post: Beto O’Rourke switches his style and tone as the spotlight dims
- Los Angeles Times: A shift to the left pulls Democratic candidates in different directions for 2020
- New York Times: A President of the People or a President of His People?
- The Atlantic: The Coming Clashes Between Democrats and Republicans
- Think Progress: Cornell Belcher schools progressives on what it will take to win the White House in 2020